
2013-05-06 Beyond 生物谷

肾结石只在较小程度上增加患者后期患上较为严重肾脏问题的危险性,相关研究论文发表在British Medical Journal杂志上。 肾结石是一种常见的疾病,通常是可以预防的,但目前还不清楚肾结石与终末期肾病(俗称肾功能衰竭)及其他肾脏问题是否有关联。因此,加拿大和美国研究团队在着手调查是否肾结石引发肾功能衰竭或其他不良后果如增加慢性肾脏病的风险或提高血液中肌酐水平。他们追踪研究超过300万名

肾结石只在较小程度上增加患者后期患上较为严重肾脏问题的危险性,相关研究论文发表在British Medical Journal杂志上。




Kidney stones and kidney function loss: a cohort study

Objective To investigate whether the presence of kidney stones increase the risk of end stage renal disease (ESRD) or other adverse renal outcomes.

Design A registry cohort study using validated algorithms based on claims and facility utilisation data. Median follow-up of 11 years.

Setting Alberta, Canada, between 1997 and 2009.

Participants 3?089?194 adult patients without ESRD at baseline or a history of pyelonephritis. Of these, 1?954?836 had outpatient serum creatinine measurements and were included in analyses of chronic kidney disease and doubling of serum creatinine level.

Exposure One or more kidney stones during follow-up.

Main outcome measures Incident ESRD, development of stage 3b–5 chronic kidney disease (estimated glomerular filtration rate <45 mL/min/1.73?m2), and sustained doubling of serum creatinine concentration from baseline.

Results 23?706 (0.8%) patients had at least one kidney stone, 5333 (0.2%) developed ESRD, 68?525 (4%) developed stage 3b–5 chronic kidney disease, and 6581 (0.3%) experienced sustained doubling of serum creatinine. Overall, one or more stone episodes during follow-up was associated with increased risk of ESRD (adjusted hazard ratio 2.16 (95% CI 1.79 to 2.62)), new stage 3b–5 chronic kidney disease (hazard ratio 1.74 (1.61 to 1.88)), and doubling of serum creatinine (hazard ratio 1.94 (1.56 to 2.43)), all compared with those without kidney stones during follow-up. The excess risk of adverse outcomes associated with at least one episode of stones seemed greater in women than in men, and in people aged <50 years than in those aged ≥50. However, the risks of all three adverse outcomes in those with at least one episode of stones were significantly higher than in those without stones in both sexes and age strata. The absolute increase in the rate of adverse renal outcomes associated with stones was small: the unadjusted rate of ESRD was 2.48 per million person days in people with one or more episodes of stones versus 0.52 per million person days in people without stones.

Conclusion Even a single kidney stone episode during follow-up was associated with a significant increase in the likelihood of adverse renal outcomes including ESRD. However, the increases were small in absolute terms.

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    2013-08-18 gaoxiaoe



含钙肾结石 Calcium Kidney Stones     Elaine M. Worcester, M.D., and Fredric L. Coe, M.D.美国芝加哥大学医学部肾脏专业 PDF文件免费查看:   一名43岁的男性因反复发生肾结石前来接受评估。他在9年前排

J UROLOGY:肥胖人群更易患肾结石

  研究结果刊登在最新一期《泌尿学杂志》上。肾结石是指发生于肾盏、肾盂及肾盂与输尿管连接部的结石。如果有肾结石,会出现排尿困难,令患者十分痛苦。不过,即便不能自行将结石排出体外,人们也很少会要求手术或其他类型的治疗。   美国约翰斯霍普金斯大学的布莱恩马特拉加博士及同事在研究报告中写道,一系列研究表明肾结石患病率增幅与肥胖人数增长水平相当。目前尚不清楚体重影响患肾结石几率的原因,研究人员给出的几

JAMA Intern Med:长期服用维C片或增加肾结石风险

  瑞典研究人员在新一期《美国医学会杂志·内科》上报告说,长期服用维生素C片可能会增加罹患肾结石的风险。   瑞典卡罗林斯卡医学院的研究人员对瑞典2.3万名此前从未患过肾结石的男性进行了11年跟踪调查。研究结果发现,长期服用维生素C补充剂的男性患肾结石的概率是未服用者的1.89倍,其中每日服用至少一片维C补充剂的男性患病风险更高。   研究人员说,瑞典维生素C的推荐摄入量为每日75毫克,而通常


     一种由南安普顿大学的科学家研发的新型听诊器,能够运用于检测肾结石治疗的有效性,减少不必要的重复治疗和X线检查。   如果肾结石经药物治疗无效,则需采取碎石术。碎石术采用数千个冲击波集中于肾结石使之碎裂后,随尿液排出体外或经药物溶解。   但是,准确判断碎石是否成功相对较难,因此部分患者需要频繁地接受冲击波,部分患者冲击波不足以碎除结石。当患者接受冲击波治疗肾结石时