
2012-12-14 Neurology Neurology

     HIV感染早期即出现脑部结构改变   HIV感染早期的脑部改变特征尚不清楚。为此,美国芝加哥东北大学Feinberg医学院影像学系的Ann B. Ragin博士等人进行了一项研究,研究结果在线发表在2012年11月28日的Neurology杂志上。研究结果显示:HIV感染早期即存在脑部结构改变,挑战了HIV感染早期无脑部损伤的假说。   该研究



  HIV感染早期的脑部改变特征尚不清楚。为此,美国芝加哥东北大学Feinberg医学院影像学系的Ann B. Ragin博士等人进行了一项研究,研究结果在线发表在2012年11月28日的Neurology杂志上。研究结果显示:HIV感染早期即存在脑部结构改变,挑战了HIV感染早期无脑部损伤的假说。





Structural brain alterations can be detected early in HIV infection


Brain changes occurring early in HIV infection are not well characterized. The Chicago Early HIV Infection Study aimed to evaluate the presence and extent of structural brain alterations using quantitative MRI.


Forty-three HIV and 21 control subjects were enrolled. Mean length of infection was estimated as less than 1 year based on assay results. High-resolution neuroanatomical images were acquired. Automated image analysis was used to derive measurements for total brain, ventricular volume, and for tissue classes (total and cortical gray matter, white matter, and CSF). A separate image analysis algorithm was used to calculate measurements for individual brain regions. Cognitive function was assessed by neuropsychological evaluation.


Reductions were quantified in total (p = 0.0547) and cortical (p = 0.0109) gray matter in the HIV group. Analysis of individual brain regions with a separate image analysis algorithm revealed consistent findings of reductions in cerebral cortex (p = 0.042) and expansion of third ventricle (p = 0.046). The early HIV group also demonstrated weaker performance on several neuropsychological tests, with the most pronounced difference in psychomotor speed (p = 0.001).


This cross-sectional brain volumetric study indicates structural alterations early in HIV infection. The findings challenge the prevailing assumption that the brain is spared in this period. Revisiting the question of the brain's vulnerability to processes unfolding in the initial virus-host interaction and the early natural history may yield new insights into neurologic injury in HIV infection and inform neuroprotection strategies.


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    2013-04-09 yinhl1978


J Virol:干细胞疗法为治疗HIV感染另辟蹊径

近日,来自加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分校的研究者使用了一种创新的干细胞疗法来对抗引起AIDS的HIV病毒。研究者刊登在5月份的国际杂志Journal of Virology上的研究文章指出,安全有效的将抗HIV病毒的干细胞移植入小鼠体内可以描述病人感染的模型,这种新型技术是用一种携带有三倍结合的抗HIV的基因的工程干细胞来替代免疫系统,而且被证明是能够发挥正常功能的。 研究者Joseph Anders


  在感染HIV的人群中肛门癌的发病率增高。因此,HIV的流行情况可能影响美国肛门癌的发病情况。Meredith S. Shiels等旨在估计HIV感染情况对美国1980年至2005年肛门癌发病率的作用。他们的研究结果发表在JNCI 10月最新的在线期刊上。   肛门癌患者的资料(无论是否患者AIDS)来自HIV/AIDS癌症配对研究。未发展至AIDS的HIV感染的肛门癌患者定义为肛门癌的确诊在