
2013-12-04 tomato 生物谷

百特(Baxter)12月2日宣布,已向FDA提交了有关HyQvia的一份修订版生物制品许可申请(BLA),以便重新启动关于HyQvia治疗原发性免疫缺陷(primary immunodeficiency syndromes,PI)成人患者监管申请的审查程序。 HyQvia由人正常免疫球蛋白(IGSC,10%)和重组人透明质酸酶(hyaluronidase)组成,透明质酸酶有利于IGSC的分

百特(Baxter)12月2日宣布,已向FDA提交了有关HyQvia的一份修订版生物制品许可申请(BLA),以便重新启动关于HyQvia治疗原发性免疫缺陷(primary immunodeficiency syndromes,PI)成人患者监管申请的审查程序。




HyQvia已于2013年5月获欧盟批准,作为一种替代疗法,用于原发性免疫缺陷综合征(primary immunodeficiency syndromes)及伴有继发性低丙种球蛋白血症和反复感染的骨髓瘤或慢性淋巴细胞白血病成人患者(≥18岁)的治疗。


英文原文:Baxter International Inc. : Baxter Submits Amended BLA to U.S. FDA for HyQvia for Primary Immunodeficiency

Baxter International Inc. (NYSE:BAX) and Halozyme Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ:HALO) announced today that Baxter has completed submission of an amended biologics license application (BLA) to the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to re-initiate the review process for approval of HyQvia [Immune Globulin Infusion 10% (human) with Recombinant Human Hyaluronidase] facilitated subcutaneous infusion for the treatment of adult patients with primary immunodeficiency (PI).

HyQvia is a combination of human immune globulin (IG) and recombinant human hyaluronidase. Baxter and Halozyme submitted additional preclinical data that was requested from the FDA in 2012, and expect a six-month review period.

''We believe that if approved, HyQvia may become a valuable option for patients with immune deficiency as it allows for the delivery of a full dose of immunoglobulin often in a single site every three to four weeks, in the comfort of a patient's home,'' said Ludwig Hantson, Ph.D., president of Baxter's BioScience business. ''As a long-standing leader in the IG market, we are committed to continually developing new treatment options like HyQvia that have the potential to make a meaningful difference in the way patients are treated.''

The original BLA submission for HyQvia was based on results from a Phase III, prospective, open-label, non-controlled multi-center clinical trial, which evaluated the safety and effectiveness of HyQvia in the prevention of acute serious bacterial infections, rate of adverse reactions and the pharmacokinetic parameters compared to immunoglobulin administered intravenously. In the tolerability assessment of HyQvia, the most frequently reported adverse reactions for patients who received HyQvia were local infusion site reactions (such as pain or discomfort, redness, swelling, and itching) and headache, nausea, fatigue and fever.

HyQvia was approved and launched in a number of European countries in the second half of 2013.

About HyQvia

HyQvia is a product consisting of human normal immunoglobulin (IG 10%) and recombinant human hyaluronidase (licensed from Halozyme Therapeutics). The IG provides the therapeutic effect and the recombinant human hyaluronidase facilitates the dispersion and absorption of the IG administered subcutaneously, increasing its bioavailability. The IG is a 10% solution that is prepared from human plasma consisting of at least 98% IgG, which contains a broad spectrum of antibodies.

HyQvia is indicated in Europe as replacement therapy in adults (? 18 years) with primary immunodeficiency syndromes and in myeloma or chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) with severe secondary hypogammaglobulinaemia and recurrent infections.

Important Risk Information

HyQvia should not be used by patients with a hypersensitivity to human immunoglobulins, especially in very rare cases of IgA deficiency when the patient has antibodies against IgA. HyQvia should not be used by patients with a systemic hypersensitivity to hyaluronidase or recombinant human hyaluronidase. HyQvia should not be used by patients with a hypersensitivity to any of the excipients, including glycine.
HyQvia must not be given intravenously.
HyQvia should not be used by women who are pregnant, or are planning to become pregnant, or are breast-feeding.
Patients should be closely monitored and carefully observed for any adverse reactions throughout the infusion period, particularly patients starting with HyQvia treatment. In case of adverse reaction, either the rate of administration must be reduced or the infusion stopped. The treatment required depends on the nature and severity of the adverse reaction. In case of shock, standard medical treatment for shock should be implemented.
Thromboembolic events (e.g. myocardial infarction, cerebral vascular accident, deep vein thrombosis, and pulmonary embolism), renal dysfunction/failure, aseptic meningitis syndrome, and hemolysis have been observed with IG 10% administered intravenously and cannot be excluded with use of HyQvia. Thrombotic events and haemolysis have also been reported in association with the subcutaneous administration of immunoglobulin products.
Human normal immunoglobulin and human serum albumin (stabilizer of the recombinant human hyaluronidase) are produced from human plasma and may carry a risk of transmitting infectious agents.

About Immunodeficiency Disorders

Primary immunodeficiencies (PI) are a group of more than 175 disorders in which part of the body's immune system is missing or does not function properly. Normally, the immune system protects the body from pathogenic microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, and fungi, which can cause infectious diseases. When any part of a person's immune system is absent or dysfunctional, they are more likely to become infected and may take longer to recover from infections. When a defect in the immune system is inherited, it is called primary immune deficiency. It is estimated that as many as six million children and adults are affected by PI worldwide.

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勃林格殷格翰(Boehringer Ingelheim)11月26日宣布,欧洲药品管理局(EMA)已授予实验性丙型肝炎药物faldaprevir加速评估(accelerated assessment),该药是一种强效的新一代口服蛋白酶抑制剂,目前正开发与聚乙二醇干扰素和利巴韦林(PegIFN/RBV)联合用于广泛的基因型1(GT-1)丙型肝炎患者群体的治疗,包括难治性群体,如HCV-HIV共感


辉瑞(Pfizer)和葛兰素史克(GSK)11月21日宣布,双方已达成了一项协议,在晚期/转移性黑色素瘤(melanoma)患者中开展一项I/II期研究(Study 200344),探索GSK抗癌药trametinib(GSK 1120212)和辉瑞抗癌药palbociclib(PD-0332991)组合疗法的疗效和安全性。 Study 200344是一项剂量递增、开放标签研究,旨在确定tr


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Portola制药11月26日宣布,FDA已授予其实验性抗凝血剂解毒剂PRT4445(andexanet alfa)突破性疗法认定。FDA授予的突破性疗法认定,旨在加快严重危机生命的疾病的药物开发和审查。 PRT4445是一种通用型Xa因子抑制剂的解毒剂(antidote),处于临床开发阶段,旨在逆转任何Xa因子抑制剂的抗凝血活性。 PRT4445是唯一一种已被证明能够实现Xa因子抑制剂抗