
2013-11-29 MedSci MedSci原创

  general hospital, polyclinic 综合医院  hospital for lepers, leprosarium 麻风病院  maternity hospital, lying-inhospital 产科医院  mental hospital, mental home 精神病院  obstetrics and gynecology hospital 妇产医院  pla

  general hospital, polyclinic 综合医院
  hospital for lepers, leprosarium 麻风病院
  maternity hospital, lying-inhospital 产科医院
  mental hospital, mental home 精神病院
  obstetrics and gynecology hospital 妇产医院
  plastic surgery hospital 整形外科医院
  stomatological hospital 口腔医院
  tuberculosis hospital 结核病医院
  tumour hospital 肿瘤医院
  clinic 诊疗所
  first-aid station 急救站
  polyclinic 联合诊疗所
  quarantine station 防疫站(检疫所)
  rest home 休养所
  sanatorium 疗养院
  medical department 内科
  surgical department 外科
  anaesthesiology department 麻醉科
  cardiology department 心脏病科
  dental department 牙科
  dermatology department, skin department 皮肤科
  department of cardiac su 心脏外科
  department of cerebral surgery 脑外科
  general surgery 普通外科
  neurology department 神经科
  neurosurgery department 神经外科
  obstetrics and gynecology department 妇产科
  ophthalmology department 眼科
  orthopedic surgery department 矫形外科
  orthopedics department 骨科
  otorhinolaryngological department 耳鼻喉科
  paediatrics department 小儿科
  pathology department 病理科
  plastic surgery 整形外科
  psychiatry department 精神病科
  thoracic surgery department 胸外科
  traumatology department 创伤外科
  urology department 泌尿科
  radiology department 放射科
  registration office 挂号处
  out-patient department, OPD 门诊部
  in-patient department 住院部
  nursing department 护理部
  consulting room 诊室
  waiting room 候诊室
  admitting office 住院处
  emergency room 急诊室
  operation room, operation theatre 手术室
  laboratory 化验室
  blood bank 血库
  pharmacy, dispensary 药房
  ward 病房
  medical ward 内科病房
  surgical ward 外科病房
  maternity ward 产科病房
  isolation ward 隔离病房
  observation ward 观察室
  hospital bed 病床
  director of the hospital 院长
  head of the department of medical administration 医务部主任
  head of the nursing department 护理部主任
  head of out-patient department 门诊部主任
  doctor 医生
  head of the medical department 内科主任
  head of the surgical department 外科主任
  physician in charge, surgeon in charge, attending doctor, doctor in charge 主治医生
  resident physician 住院医生
  intern, interne 实习医生
  laboratory technician 化验员
  nurse 护士
  head nurse 护士长
  anaesthetist 麻醉师
  pharmacist, druggist 药剂师
  internist, physician 内科医生
  surgeon 外科医生
  brain specialist 脑科专家
  cardiac surgeon 心外科医生
  cardiovascular specialist 心血管专家
  dentist 牙科医生
  dermatologist 皮肤科医生
  ear-nose-throat doctor 耳鼻喉医生
  gynecologist 妇科医生
  heart specialist 心脏病专家
  neurologist, nerve specialist 神经科专家
  obstetrician 产科医生
  oculist 眼科医生
  oncologist 肿瘤科医生
  orthopedist 骨科医生
  paediatrician 小儿科医生
  plastic surgeon 整形外科医生
  radiologist 放射科医师
  radiographer 放射科技师
  urologist 泌尿科医生
  dietician 营养医师
  out-patient 门诊病人
  in-patient 住院病人
  medical patient 内科病人
  surgical patient 外科病人
  obstetrical patient 产科病人
  heart disease patient 心脏病病人
  emergency case 急诊病人

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  At the Registration Office  对话3  Dialogue Three  护士:早上好!  Nurse: Good morning.  病人:你好!  Patient: Good morning.  护士:请问哪里不舒服?  Nurse: What seems to be the problem?  病人:高烧,感觉糟透了。  Patient: I'm runnin


   英语表示倍数增减或倍数对比的句型多种多样,其中有一些(如下文中的句型②、⑤、⑥、⑧、(12) 等,见圈码)很容易译错其主要原因在于:英汉两语在表述或对比倍数方面存在着语言与思维差异。现将常用的英语倍数句型及其正确译法归纳如下: 倍数增加 (一) A is n times as great(long,much,…)as B.(①) A is n times gre

J Neurosci:学习英语能让右脑变大

日本国立精神和神经医疗研究中心的先进脑画像研究部花川隆部长,以及国际电气通信基础技术研究所(ATR)的细田千寻研究员等人的该项研究,从侧面证实了学习英语会使大脑发生变化。该项研究成果或有助于弄清语言学习的机理,以及失语症的康复治疗等。研究成果8月21日发布于美国神经科学学会杂志(电子版)上。研究组让 24 位日本的大学生参加 4 个月的英语学习项目,然后通过磁共振成像装置(MRI)比较大学生在学习


  Nurse: How do you do. Welcome. I'm the nurse in charge of this ward. We hope you will feel at home here. This is nurse Wang.  你好。欢迎你。我是这病房的护土长。希望您能有家的感觉,这位是王护士,这是负责你的医生,陈医生。  Patient: Sorry to bot


First Visit 初诊医务英语会话  WOMAN, AGED 29  女性,29岁  Doctor: I see from your notes you were in hospital ten years ago with thyroid trouble.  医生:我从你的病历中得知,你10年前曾因甲状腺功能混乱住过院。  Patient: Yes, that's right. And


 一.Receiving the patient(接待病人)  1.How do you do?/ Good morning!您好!(初次见面时使用)/早上好!  2.What can I do for you?/Can I help you?您需要我帮助吗?  3.I'll bring you to your bedside, please follow me. This is your b