
2011-12-16 MedSci原创 MedSci原创

最近一项最新研究显示,对因中风而丧失部分行动能力的患者来说,如果使用微弱电流刺激大脑中的特定部位,可以帮助他们改善行动能力。 英国牛津大学等机构的研究人员在英国新一期《脑》(Brain)杂志上报告说,他们请一些中风患者参与了电流刺激试验。这些患者年龄在30岁到80岁之间,男女都有,中风类型多样,但都在接受电流刺激后出现了行动能力改善的现象。 在试验中,患者大脑特定部位被贴上电极


Cortical activation changes underlying stimulation-induced behavioural gains in chronic stroke

Charlotte Jane Stagg1, Velicia Bachtiar, Jacinta O'Shea, Claire Allman, Rosemary Ann Bosnell, Udo Kischka, Paul McMahan Matthews and Heidi Johansen-Berg

Transcranial direct current stimulation, a form of non-invasive brain stimulation, is showing increasing promise as an adjunct therapy in rehabilitation following stroke. However, although significant behavioural improvements have been reported in proof-of-principle studies, the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. The rationale for transcranial direct current stimulation as therapy for stroke is that therapeutic stimulation paradigms increase activity in ipsilesional motor cortical areas, but this has not previously been directly tested for conventional electrode placements. This study was performed to test directly whether increases in ipsilesional cortical activation with transcranial direct current stimulation are associated with behavioural improvements in chronic stroke patients. Patients at least 6?months post-first stroke participated in a behavioural experiment (n?=?13) or a functional magnetic resonance imaging experiment (n?=?11), each investigating the effects of three stimulation conditions in separate sessions: anodal stimulation to the ipsilesional hemisphere; cathodal stimulation to the contralesional hemisphere; and sham stimulation. Anodal (facilitatory) stimulation to the ipsilesional hemisphere led to significant improvements (5–10%) in response times with the affected hand in both experiments. This improvement was associated with an increase in movement-related cortical activity in the stimulated primary motor cortex and functionally interconnected regions. Cathodal (inhibitory) stimulation to the contralesional hemisphere led to a functional improvement only when compared with sham stimulation. We show for the first time that the significant behavioural improvements produced by anodal stimulation to the ipsilesional hemisphere are associated with a functionally relevant increase in activity within the ipsilesional primary motor cortex in patients with a wide range of disabilities following stroke.

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