
2013-05-23 AJG dxy

长期卧床需要行经皮内镜下胃造瘘术,通过胃管给予营养支持的患者,出现食物误吸入气管出现吸入性肺炎的几率很高,并且并发吸入性肺炎的患者预后差、死亡率高。日本驹根市昭和阿齐兹·伊南总医院消化病科的Akira Horiuchi等人,在临床实践中发现给予要素饮食可有效降低吸入性肺炎的发生率,所以针对这一问题进行了随机对照性的研究,发现给予要素饮食,较标准流质饮食而言,胃排空的速度增加,发生误吸的几率减少,由

长期卧床需要行经皮内镜下胃造瘘术,通过胃管给予营养支持的患者,出现食物误吸入气管出现吸入性肺炎的几率很高,并且并发吸入性肺炎的患者预后差、死亡率高。日本驹根市昭和阿齐兹·伊南总医院消化病科的Akira Horiuchi等人,在临床实践中发现给予要素饮食可有效降低吸入性肺炎的发生率,所以针对这一问题进行了随机对照性的研究,发现给予要素饮食,较标准流质饮食而言,胃排空的速度增加,发生误吸的几率减少,由此得出结论,建议对于长期卧床需要经皮内镜下胃造瘘术胃管给予营养的患者,特别是出现过吸入性肺炎的患者,推荐给予要素性饮食。这一结果发表在2013年3月的The American journal of gastroenterology上。

因临床实践表明给予长期卧床、行经皮内镜下胃造瘘术的患者要素性饮食,可明显减少吸入性肺炎的发生。williamhill asia 对比了卧床患者行经皮内镜下胃造瘘术经胃管给予要素性流质及标准流质的效果、发生吸入性肺炎的风险以及胃排空的情况。



Elemental diets may reduce the risk of aspiration pneumonia in bedridden gastrostomy-fed patients.
Our clinical experience suggested that elemental diets were associated with a reduction in aspiration pneumonia among bedridden patients with percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG). We compared the effects of elemental and standard liquid diets on the risk of clinical aspiration pneumonia and gastric emptying in bedridden patients receiving PEG feedings.
Study 1: consecutive bedridden PEG patients received elemental diets or standard liquid diets in the same fashion. The frequency of defecation, diet aspirated from the trachea, and aspiration pneumonia during hospitalization were prospectively recorded. Study 2: a randomized, crossover trial using elemental or standard liquid diets containing (13)C sodium acetate as a tracer given to bedridden PEG patients who had experienced aspiration pneumonia. (13)C breath tests were performed to estimate gastric emptying.
Study 1: 127 patients were enrolled, 60 with elemental and 67 with standard liquid diets. The diet was aspirated from the trachea in none (0%) with the elemental diet vs. 8 (11.9%) with standard liquid diets (P=0.0057); aspiration pneumonia developed none with the elemental diet vs. 5 (7.5%) with standard liquid diets (P=0.031) (number needed to treat 14, 95% confidence interval 7-85). Study 2: 19 patients were enrolled. The elemental diet was associated with a significant increase in the 10, 30 or 50% emptying (excretion) time (P<0.001) and increased the area under the curve (% dose/h) compared with the standard liquid diet (P<0.05).
Elemental diets were associated with more rapid gastric empting and fewer episodes of aspiration than standard liquid diets in bedridden PEG patients. They may be preferred for bedridden PEG patients especially who have experienced aspiration pneumonia. Properly performed randomized-controlled trials are needed to prove this potential benefit.

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    2014-02-24 minzju5052