Arch Genl Psychiat:孕妇服用抗精神病药或增糖尿病风险

2012-07-09 新华社 新华社

最新一期的美国《普通精神病学文献》(Archives of General Psychiatry)杂志刊登了瑞典的一项研究发现,孕妇服用抗精神病药会增加患妊娠期糖尿病的风险。 领导研究的瑞典乌普萨拉大学的罗伯特·博登解释说,如果妇女患有精神分裂症或躁郁症,即使在妊娠期间也需要服用抗精神病药。本次研究就是想了解孕妇服用抗精神病药是否会有副作用。 研究人员在4年时间里调查了36万余名孕妇。其中16

最新一期的美国《普通精神病学文献》(Archives of General Psychiatry)杂志刊登了瑞典的一项研究发现,孕妇服用抗精神病药会增加患妊娠期糖尿病的风险。






Antipsychotics During Pregnancy: Relation to Fetal and Maternal Metabolic Effects

Robert Bodén, MD, PhD; Maria Lundgren, MD, PhD; Lena Brandt, BSc; Johan Reutfors, MD, PhD; Helle Kieler, MD, PhD

Context Knowledge about the effects of exposure to the newer antipsychotics during pregnancy is limited. Objective To investigate the effects of maternal use of antipsychotics during pregnancy on gestational diabetes and fetal growth. Design Population-based cohort study comparing women exposed and not exposed to antipsychotics during pregnancy. Exposure was defined as prescriptions filled. Setting Swedish national health registers. Participants All women giving birth in Sweden from July 1, 2005, through December 31, 2009, grouped by filled prescriptions for (1) olanzapine and/or clozapine, the most obesogenic and diabetogenic antipsychotics (n = 169), (2) other antipsychotics (n = 338), or (3) no antipsychotics (n = 357 696). Main Outcome Measures Odds ratios (ORs) with 95% CIs for gestational diabetes and being small for gestational age (SGA) and large for gestational age for birth weight, birth length, and head circumference. Results Exposure to other antipsychotics was associated with an increased risk of gestational diabetes (adjusted OR, 1.77 [95% CI, 1.04-3.03]). The risk increase with olanzapine and/or clozapine was of similar magnitude but not statistical significance (adjusted OR, 1.94 [95% CI, 0.97-3.91]). Infants exposed to either group of antipsychotics had increased risks of being SGA on birth weight, whereas only exposure to other antipsychotics yielded increased risks of being SGA for birth length and head circumference. None of the risks for SGA measurements remained significant after adjusting for maternal factors. There were no increased risks of being large for gestational age for birth weight or birth length after exposure to olanzapine and/or clozapine, but the risk increased for head circumference (OR, 3.02 [95% CI, 1.60-5.71]). Conclusions Women who used antipsychotics during pregnancy had increased risks of gestational diabetes. The increased risks of giving birth to an SGA infant seemed to be an effect of confounders, such as smoking. Except for macrocephaly, olanzapine and/or clozapine exposure was not associated with anabolic fetal growth.


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Arch Dermatol:吸烟导致患皮肤鳞状细胞癌风险增加

近日,一项刊登在Archives of Dermatology杂志上的研究证实:吸烟似乎与皮肤鳞状细胞癌皮肤癌的风险增加有关。 无论是基底细胞癌(基底细胞癌)或鳞状细胞癌(鳞癌)还是非黑色素瘤皮肤癌(NMSC),约97%的皮肤癌起源于上皮细胞(包括皮肤细胞)。在世界范围内NMSC的发病率不断增加,每年估计有200万到300万的新发病例。 英国烟草控制研究中心、英国诺丁汉大学Jo Leona

Arch Intern Med:他汀类药物副作用新添“成员”——疲劳

近来许多研究报告表明,他汀类药物可能会引起一些人疲劳,近日完成的一项随机试验为这一观点提供了确凿证据。 相关研究论文发表在Archives of Internal Medicine杂志上,研究募集了0岁以上的1016名健康男性和女性,这些参试者体内血液中低密度脂蛋白水平或“坏”胆固醇水平从每分升115到190毫克不等。三分之一的参试者每天给予20毫克的辛伐他汀,三分之一参试者给予40毫克的普

Arch Neurol:糖尿病患者血糖控制不佳加速认知下降

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近日据HealthDay News报道,患牛皮癣的人患2型糖尿病的风险大大增加。 费城宾夕法尼亚大学皮肤科副教授Joel Gelfand说,牛皮癣的人独立于传统的危险因素如肥胖等也会增加糖尿病风险。Gelfand说,这种风险可能具有遗传性,或许牛皮癣可能导致胰岛素抵抗增加。 他还指出,肥胖是一种牛皮癣以及糖尿病的共同危险因素。患牛皮癣的人应尽量保持健康的身体体重以预防糖尿病。 这项研究论文发

Arch Gen Psychiatry:抗精神病药物治疗导致严重的体重增加的相关基因

抗精神病药物越来越多地在美国人群中运用,但抗精神病药物会带来一系列副作用包括体重迅速增加,尤其是对儿童而言在Zucker Hillside医院和Feinstein医学研究中心的研究人员发现了一种基因与常用的抗精神病药物治疗引发的体重增加有关。这些研究结果发表在Archives of General Psychiatry杂志上。 这项研究针对第二代抗精神病药物开展。对第二代抗精神病药物是常用来治疗