
2013-06-03 青楚 CMT

  一项来自东南亚的研究表明,使用双倍剂量的奥司他韦(达菲)治疗重症流感住院患者,与标准剂量相比,并无病毒学或临床优势。该研究结果2013年5月30日在线发表于BMJ。   该研究在2007年4月到2010年2月期间,纳入326名重症流感患者(主要是15岁以下的儿童),将其分为两组,一组接受标准剂量(75mg,一日两次,儿童剂量当量),另外一组接受双倍剂量(150mg,一日两次,儿童剂量当量)的




Effect of double dose oseltamivir on clinical and virological outcomes in children and adults admitted to hospital with severe influenza: double blind randomised controlled trial
To investigate the validity of recommendations in treatment guidelines to use higher than approved doses of oseltamivir in patients with severe influenza.
Double blind randomised trial.
Thirteen hospitals in Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.
Patients aged ≥1 year admitted to hospital with confirmed severe influenza.
Oral oseltamivir at double dose (150 mg twice a day/paediatric equivalent) versus standard dose (75 mg twice a day/paediatric equivalent).
Main outcome measure
Viral status according to reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for influenza RNA in nasal and throat swabs on day five.
Of 326 patients (including 246 (75.5%) children aged <15), 165 and 161 were randomised to double or standard dose oseltamivir, respectively. Of these, 260 (79.8%) were infected with influenza virus A (133 (40.8%) with A/H3N2, 72 (22.1%) with A/H1N1-pdm09, 38 (11.7%) with seasonal A/H1N1, 17 (5.2%) with A/H5N1) and 53 (16.2%) with influenza virus B. A further 3.9% (13) were false positive by rapid antigen test (negative by RT-PCR and no rise in convalescent haemagglutination inhibition titers). Similar proportions of patients were negative for RT-PCR on day five of treatment: 115/159 (72.3%, 95% confidence interval 64.9% to 78.7%) double dose recipients versus 105/154 (68.2%, 60.5% to 75.0%) standard dose recipients; difference 4.2% (−5.9 to 14.2); P=0.42. No differences were found in clearance of virus in subgroup analyses by virus type/subtype, age, and duration of illness before randomisation. Mortality was similar: 12/165 (7.3%, 4.2% to 12.3%) in double dose recipients versus 9/161 (5.6%, 3.0% to 10.3%) in standard dose recipients. No differences were found between double and standard dose arms in median days on supplemental oxygen (3 (interquartile range 2-5) v 3.5 (2-7)), in intensive care (4.5 (3-6) v 5 (2-11), and on mechanical ventilation (2.5 (1-16) v 8 (1-16)), respectively. No important differences in tolerability were found.
There were no virological or clinical advantages with double dose oseltamivir compared with standard dose in patients with severe influenza admitted to hospital.    

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    2013-08-08 gaoxiaoe



  英国著名医学期刊声称,没有证据显示抗流感药物"达菲"有防治流感的作用,该期刊要求瑞士制药公司罗氏公布与达菲相关的所有数据。   与《英国医学杂志》(British Medical Journal)有关联的一名研究员格茨彻(Peter Gotzsche),昨天呼吁欧洲各国政府起诉瑞士罗氏药剂公司(Roche)。他说,各国政府应该向罗氏采取法律行动,以便拿回因囤积达菲而花费的"不必要的"金钱。

