2010-12-29 MedSci原创 MedSci原创
日前,美国临床肿瘤学会(ASCO)照例组织专家对本年度的重要研究成果进行了盘点,并将结果在网上提前发布,将入选的53项突出研究成果中的12项列为年度重大进展。 01 美国四大权威机构发布报告指出,美国各人种人群肿瘤发病率和死亡率近年来总体有所下降,1999~2006年平均分别以每年1%和1.6%的速度降低。 02 标准卡铂+紫杉醇联合化疗可改善老年晚期肺癌患者生存,获得
01 美国四大权威机构发布报告指出,美国各人种人群肿瘤发病率和死亡率近年来总体有所下降,1999~2006年平均分别以每年1%和1.6%的速度降低。
02 标准卡铂+紫杉醇联合化疗可改善老年晚期肺癌患者生存,获得优于单药(吉西他滨或长春瑞滨)的生存获益。
03 与标准吉西他滨单药治疗相比,FOLFIRINOX方案联合化疗可显著改善转移性胰腺癌患者生存。
04 GOG 218研究显示,6个周期贝伐珠单抗联合卡铂+紫杉醇治疗后贝伐珠单抗维持治疗,可较单纯化疗显著延长晚期卵巢癌患者中位PFS。
05 人源化抗CTLA4单抗Ipilimumab改善晚期黑色素瘤患者生存,使晚期黑色素瘤患者2年生存率显著提高34%。
06 对于因浸润性乳腺癌接受保乳手术、手术切缘干净、腋淋巴结阴性的患者,低分割全乳照射在预防复发方面不劣于标准放疗。
07 Ⅰ期临床研究显示,对有EML4-ALK融合基因阳性的NSCLC患者,新的ALK抑制剂Crizotinib治疗可获较高缓解率。
08 对于BRAFV600E突变晚期黑色素瘤患者,新的BRAF抑制剂PLX4032靶向治疗有效,81%的患者肿瘤完全或部分消退。
09 诊断后立即开始接受姑息治疗的晚期肺癌患者,生存期和生活质量均显著优于仅接受化疗的患者。
10 超过3/4的接受化疗的肿瘤患者有失眠或其他睡眠问题,是一般人群的3倍。
11 疫苗Sipuleucel-T(Provenge)获批治疗转移性去势抵抗性前列腺癌。
12 Cabazitaxel(Jevtana)获批治疗晚期前列腺癌,成为第一种治疗多西他赛治疗失败的晚期去势抵抗性前列腺的化疗药物。
Reducing the risk of cancer recurrence: Researchers discovered that a three-week hypofractionated radiation therapy course was just as effective in preventing recurrence as the standard five-week course for women diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer.
Enhancing quality of life: Patients with advanced lung cancer who received standard chemotherapy coupled with palliative care immediately after diagnosis lived significantly longer and had a better quality of life than those who were treated with chemotherapy alone.
Advances in drug therapies: First-line treatment with FOLFIRINOX – a combination of the chemotherapy drugs 5-fluorouracil, leucovorin, irinotecan and oxaliplatin – resulted in better response rates, progression-free survival and overall survival for patients with advanced pancreatic cancer.
Addressing side effects: Researchers have found that the majority of patients (80 percent) undergoing chemotherapy for cancer suffer from sleep difficulties – a rate approximately two to three times higher than what is seen in the general population. This is a clear area where more awareness is needed so patients can get the additional help they need.
Improving progression-free survival in hard-to-treat cancer: Studies found that administering chemotherapy and bevacizumab (Avastin), followed by longer-term treatment with bevacizumab, was the most effective strategy for extending progression-free survival in patients with ovarian cancer.
The discovery that a monoclonal antibody, ipilimumab, improves survival in patients diagnosed with advanced melanoma – a major advance for a very difficult-to-treat cancer.
A study showing that the targeted drug crizotinib produces high response rates and shrinks tumors in many patients whose tumors harbor a specific gene mutation in the ALK gene.
Findings from an early-stage trial of advanced melanoma showing that a novel gene-targeted therapy, PLX4032, caused tumors to shrink in a majority of patients with a specific BRAF gene mutation.
A chemotherapy combination that was found to increase survival in elderly patients with advanced lung cancer, and is well-tolerated by these patients.
A report issued by leading U.S. health and cancer organizations showing continued declines in cancer incidence and death rates over recent years.
The FDA approvals of cabazitaxel (Jevtana) and sipuleucel-T (Provenge) – a therapeutic vaccine – for metastatic hormone-refractory prostate cancer.
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