2015-01-13 佚名 生物谷
数万亿的微生物栖息在人类的机体中,这些微生物群体被称之为微生物组,据估计这些微生物群体重2-6磅,其总体重是平均大脑体重的2倍,大部分的微生物生活在机体肠道中,其可以帮助机体消化食物,合成维生素以及抵御感染;但截止到现在研究者对微生物组的研究显示,微生物群体对机体的影响远远超过了肠道,其还会对人类大脑产生影响。 在过去10年里,有研究就表明肠道微生物组合一系列复杂的行为直接相关,比如情绪、情感、
在过去10年里,有研究就表明肠道微生物组合一系列复杂的行为直接相关,比如情绪、情感、食欲等,然而肠道微生物组不仅可以可以帮助维持大脑的功能,而且可以影响个体患神经性障碍及心理障碍的风险,比如焦虑症、抑郁及自闭症等。研究者Christopher Lowry教授表示,当前最大的问题就是微生物组如何对机体大脑施加效应,而williamhill asia 的研究可以揭示是否有益的微生物组可以被用来治疗或抑制压力相关的心理疾病,比如焦虑症和抑郁症等。
Over the past 10 years, studies have linked the gut microbiome to a range of complex behaviors, such as mood and emotion, and appetite and satiety. Not only does the gut microbiome appear to help maintain brain function but it may also influence the risk of psychiatric and neurological disorders, including anxiety, depression and autism.
Three researchers at the forefront of this emerging field recently discussed the microbiome-brain connection with The Kavli Foundation.
"The big question right now is how the microbiome exerts its effects on the brain," said Christopher Lowry, Associate Professor of Integrative Physiology at the University of Colorado, Boulder. Lowry is studying whether beneficial microbes can be used to treat or prevent stress-related psychiatric conditions, including anxiety and depression.
One surprising way in which the microbiome influences the brain is during development. Tracy Bale, Professor of Neuroscience at the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, and her team have found that the microbiome in mice is sensitive to stress and that stress-induced changes to a mother's microbiome are passed on to her baby and alter the way her baby's brain develops.
"There are key developmental windows when the brain is more vulnerable because it's setting itself up to respond to the world around it," said Bale, who has done pioneering research into the effects of maternal stress on the brain. "So, if mom's microbial ecosystem changes -- due to infection, stress or diet, for example -- her newborn's gut microbiome will change too, and that can have a lifetime effect.".....
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