Psychol Sci:视网膜中血管宽度与IQ相关
2013-06-06 Psychological Science 生物360
近日,杜克大学等机构的一项联合研究发现,人类眼睛后部的视网膜中的血管宽度或许能暗示大脑的健康程度以及IQ等认知能力。相关研究论文刊登在了近期出版的《心理科学》(Psychological Science)杂志上。 在IQ等智力测试中得分较低的年轻人在健康恶化以及寿命缩短方面的风险较高,社会经济地位以及健康行为等因素并不能解释这一结论。 研究人员想弄清楚,智力是否能够作为暗示大脑健康的标记,是否
近日,杜克大学等机构的一项联合研究发现,人类眼睛后部的视网膜中的血管宽度或许能暗示大脑的健康程度以及IQ等认知能力。相关研究论文刊登在了近期出版的《心理科学》(Psychological Science)杂志上。
Retinal Vessel Caliber and Lifelong Neuropsychological Functioning: Retinal Imaging as an Investigative Tool for Cognitive Epidemiology.
Why do more intelligent people live healthier and longer lives? One possibility is that intelligence tests assess health of the brain, but psychological science has lacked technology to evaluate this hypothesis. Digital retinal imaging, a new, noninvasive method to visualize microcirculation in the eye, may reflect vascular conditions in the brain. We studied the association between retinal vessel caliber and neuropsychological functioning in the representative Dunedin birth cohort. Wider venular caliber was associated with poorer neuropsychological functioning at midlife, independently of potentially confounding factors. This association was not limited to any specific test domain and extended to informants' reports of cohort members' cognitive difficulties in everyday life. Moreover, wider venular caliber was associated with lower childhood IQ tested 25 years earlier. The findings indicate that retinal venular caliber may be an indicator of neuropsychological health years before the onset of dementing diseases and suggest that digital retinal imaging may be a useful investigative tool for psychological science.
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