
2012-12-28 Circulation 睿医威廉亚洲官网

  难治性高血压是心脏病和中风的主要风险因素,根据一项刊登在美国心脏协会期刊Circulation的新研究表明,在不采取药物治疗的情况下,对肾脏周围神经持续发射短脉冲6个月至一年能有效控制血压,这项研究对难治性高血压的治疗具有深远的公共健康学影响。   血压高于140/90mm Hg被称为高血压,美国有78万成年患者受其影响。在美国高血压成年患者中,约9%患有难治性高血压,这表示他们需


  血压高于140/90mm Hg被称为高血压,美国有78万成年患者受其影响。在美国高血压成年患者中,约9%患有难治性高血压,这表示他们需要服用4种以上药物来控制血压,或者说,当他们服用3种不同的降压药后血压仍然高于140/90mm Hg.研究将很快确定这种方法是否能够治愈轻度高血压,使患者在永久停药的情况下保持正常血压。一旦达到血压正常值,心脏病和中风的风险预计将减少40%以上。基于导管的肾脏去神经支配疗法是一种微创的治疗方法。医生将导管经股动脉插入腹股沟,发射无线电波烧毁肾动脉周围的神经组织。

  该实验结果来自于一项持续多中心国际研究Symplicity HTN-2,以评估肾脏去神经支配法对高血压的疗效。这项研究基于2010年的一个发现,该发现显示对肾脏动脉周围神经发射无线电波6个月后,耐药高血压患者血压降低。



Background—Renal sympathetic nerve activation contributes to the pathogenesis of hypertension. Symplicity HTN-2, a multicenter, randomized trial, demonstrated that catheter-based renal denervation produced significant blood pressure lowering in treatment-resistant patients at 6 months after the procedure compared with control, medication-only patients. Longer-term follow-up, including 6-month crossover results, is now presented.

Methods and Results—Eligible patients were on ≥3 antihypertensive drugs and had a baseline systolic blood pressure ≥160 mm Hg (≥150 mm Hg for type 2 diabetics). After the 6-month primary end point was met, renal denervation in control patients was permitted. One-year results on patients randomized to immediate renal denervation (n=47) and 6-month postprocedure results for crossover patients are presented. At 12 months after the procedure, the mean fall in office systolic blood pressure in the initial renal denervation group (−28.1 mm Hg; 95% confidence interval, −35.4 to −20.7; P<0.001) was similar to the 6-month fall (−31.7 mm Hg; 95% confidence interval, −38.3 to −25.0; P=0.16 versus 6-month change). The mean systolic blood pressure of the crossover group 6 months after the procedure was significantly lowered (from 190.0±19.6 to 166.3±24.7 mm Hg; change, −23.7±27.5; P<0.001). In the crossover group, there was 1 renal artery dissection during guide catheter insertion, before denervation, corrected by renal artery stenting, and 1 hypotensive episode, which resolved with medication adjustment.

Conclusions—Control patients who crossed over to renal denervation with the Symplicity system had a significant drop in blood pressure similar to that observed in patients receiving immediate denervation. Renal denervation provides safe and sustained reduction of blood pressure to 1 year.                         


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