
2012-12-19 Circulation Circulation

  意大利一项研究表明,靶向离子通道嘌呤受体P2X7(P2X7R)是一种新型的延长心脏移植生存率的临床相关策略。该研究12月18日在线发表于《循环》(Circulation)杂志。   心脏移植对于终末期心力衰竭患者是一种挽救生命的方法。除了该领域的诸多进展,目前的免疫移植方案仍旧与长期不良心脏移植物转归及发生并发症包括感染和肿瘤等相关。发明新型、短期和有效的免疫调节疗法或可取得重要收获。细胞破





Long-Term Heart Transplant Survival by Targeting the Ionotropic Purinergic Receptor P2X7


Heart transplantation is a lifesaving procedure for patients with end-stage heart failure. Despite much effort and advances in the field, current immunosuppressive regimens are still associated with poor long-term cardiac allograft outcomes as well as with the development of complications including infections and malignancies. The development of a novel, short-term and effective immunomodulatory protocol will thus be an important achievement. The purine adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP), released during cell damage/activation, is sensed by the ionotropic purinergic receptor P2X7 (P2X7R) on lymphocytes and regulates T cell activation. Novel clinical-grade P2X7R inhibitors are available, rendering the targeting of P2X7R a potential therapy in cardiac transplantation.

Methods and Results

We analyzed P2X7R expression in patients and mice and P2X7R targeting in murine recipients in the context of cardiac transplantation. Our data demonstrate that P2X7R is specifically upregulated in graft-infiltrating lymphocytes in cardiac-transplanted humans and mice. Short-term P2X7R targeting with periodate-oxidized ATP (oATP) promotes long-term cardiac transplant survival in 80% of murine recipients of a fully mismatched allograft. Long-term survival of cardiac transplants was associated with reduced T cell activation, Th1/Th17 differentiation and inhibition of STAT3 phosphorylation in T cells, thus leading to a reduced transplant infiltrate and coronaropathy. In vitro genetic upregulation of the P2X7R pathway was also shown to stimulate Th1/Th17 cell generation. Finally, P2X7R targeting halted the progression of coronaropathy in a murine model of chronic rejection as well.


P2X7R targeting is a novel clinically relevant strategy to prolong cardiac transplant survival.


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  2012年11月20日,美国食品与药物管理局(FDA)批准了HeartWare左心室辅助装置( LVAD)用于晚期心衰等待心脏移植的患者。   HeartWare  LVAD是由一个置入泵,外部驱动器以及电源组成,可于医院内或院外使用。   市场上其它的LVAD需要把部件埋在腹部,而HeartWare系统体积较小,可置入在患者胸部靠近心脏的地方,因此对体型较小


  美国国立心、肺、血液研究所(NHLBI)工作组讨论了心脏移植(HT)未来的研究方向。工作组由基础医学、临床医学和心力衰竭及心脏移植流行病学方面的专家组成。工作组成员评估了HT的关键领域,确定了最迫切的知识领域。文章发表于《美国心脏病学会杂志》(J Am Coll Cardiol, 2012; 59:1263-1269)。   这些领域总结为以下4个特定研究方向:①明确移植前人群的外在特征表现

Eur Heart J:线粒体多态性或影响心脏移植预后

  来自西班牙的一项研究证实,线粒体单倍型类群可能是西班牙心脏移植人群终末期心衰进展的危险因素。此外,线粒体DNA(mtDNA)变异或对心脏移植并发症的发生造成一定影响。该研究2011年8月6日在线发表于《欧洲心脏杂志》(Eur Heart J)。   线粒体单倍型类群已知能够影响个体对广谱代谢性和退行性疾病的易感性,其中包括缺血性心血管疾病。研究评价了mtDNA背景对接受心