
2011-12-12 MedSci原创 MedSci原创

 MedSci提示:  基因疗法对于众多疾病都有疗效,如肿瘤,遗传性疾病,将来还可能在退行性疾病,感染性疾病中大展手脚。然而基因疗法存在很多缺陷,如外源性基因是否有害?以及外源性基因会不会在机体产生免疫或被清除?以及选择什么样的载体最合适?什么样的载体更安全,都是需要考量的。例如,如果希望这种基因是一过性表达(如机体正常后,便不希望它再表达),可以选择腺病毒载体;如果





英国伦敦大学学院的Amit Nathwani博士等研究发现,基因治疗对B型血友病有效。其研究结果近日发表在《新英格兰医学》(New England Journal of Medicine)上。

人类在很久前就发现了血友病,但首次发现IX因子(FIX)缺乏可导致血友病是在1952年,患者为一位名叫Stephen Christmas 的10岁男孩,因此该病被命名为Christmas病。



6名患者按照治疗顺序被分为低、中、高剂量组,最早接受治疗者为低剂量组,最晚者为高剂量组,每组2名患者,每组患者的用药量具有梯度性:低剂量组的载体剂量为2×1011 /kg体重,中剂量组为前者的3倍,高剂量组为低剂量组的10倍。






NEJMoa1108046" target=_blank>doi:10.1056/NEJMoa1108046
Adenovirus-Associated Virus Vector-Mediated Gene Transfer in Hemophilia B

Amit C. Nathwani, M.B., Ch.B., Ph.D., Edward G.D. Tuddenham, M.B., B.S., M.D., Savita Rangarajan, M.B., B.S., Cecilia Rosales, Ph.D., Jenny McIntosh, Ph.D., David C. Linch, M.B., B.Chir., Pratima Chowdary, M.B., B.S., Anne Riddell, B.Sc., Arnulfo Jaquilmac Pie, B.S.N., Chris Harrington, B.S.N., James O'Beirne, M.B., B.S., M.D., Keith Smith, M.Sc., John Pasi, M.D., Bertil Glader, M.D., Ph.D., Pradip Rustagi, M.D., Catherine Y.C. Ng, M.S., Mark A. Kay, M.D., Ph.D., Junfang Zhou, M.D., Yunyu Spence, Ph.D., Christopher L. Morton, B.S., James Allay, Ph.D., John Coleman, M.S., Susan Sleep, Ph.D., John M. Cunningham, M.D., Deokumar Srivastava, Ph.D., Etiena Basner-Tschakarjan, M.D., Federico Mingozzi, Ph.D., Katherine A. High, M.D., John T. Gray, Ph.D., Ulrike M. Reiss, M.D., Arthur W. Nienhuis, M.D., and Andrew M. Davidoff, M.D..


Hemophilia B, an X-linked disorder, is ideally suited for gene therapy. We investigated the use of a new gene therapy in patients with the disorder.


We infused a single dose of a serotype-8-pseudotyped, self-complementary adenovirus-associated virus (AAV) vector expressing a codon-optimized human factor IX (FIX) transgene (scAAV2/8-LP1-hFIXco) in a peripheral vein in six patients with severe hemophilia B (FIX activity, <1% of normal values). Study participants were enrolled sequentially in one of three cohorts (given a high, intermediate, or low dose of vector), with two participants in each group. Vector was administered without immunosuppressive therapy, and participants were followed for 6 to 16 months.


AAV-mediated expression of FIX at 2 to 11% of normal levels was observed in all participants. Four of the six discontinued FIX prophylaxis and remained free of spontaneous hemorrhage; in the other two, the interval between prophylactic injections was increased. Of the two participants who received the high dose of vector, one had a transient, asymptomatic elevation of serum aminotransferase levels, which was associated with the detection of AAV8-capsid-specific T cells in the peripheral blood; the other had a slight increase in liver-enzyme levels, the cause of which was less clear. Each of these two participants received a short course of glucocorticoid therapy, which rapidly normalized aminotransferase levels and maintained FIX levels in the range of 3 to 11% of normal values.


Peripheral-vein infusion of scAAV2/8-LP1-hFIXco resulted in FIX transgene expression at levels sufficient to improve the bleeding phenotype, with few side effects. Although immune-mediated clearance of AAV-transduced hepatocytes remains a concern, this process may be controlled with a short course of glucocorticoids without loss of transgene expression.

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