2012-04-12 EurekAlert! EurekAlert!
近日,诺丁汉大学专家们在最新发表于国际著名杂志BMJ上的论文中指出,让单纯性急性阑尾炎患者服用抗生素是一种可取代手术的既安全又可行的方法。 自1989年以来,通过手术摘除发炎的阑尾一直是治疗阑尾炎的最被认可的方法。常见的说法是,如果不做手术的话,发生并发症如穿孔或感染的风险会很高。然而,近期的研究表明使用抗生素治疗比采用手术治疗单纯性阑尾炎的效果更好。但一直没有定论。 因此,诺丁汉大学消化道疾
因此,诺丁汉大学消化道疾病研究中心(NIHR)生物医学研究组的科学家们对抗生素进行早期治疗的安全性和效果进行对比研究。诺丁汉大学肠胃外科Dileep Lobo教授和诺丁汉皇后医疗中心顾问都是此研究的带头人。其他共同署名作者包括Krishna Varadhan博士和Keith Neal教授。
Safety and efficacy of antibiotics compared with appendicectomy for treatment of uncomplicated acute appendicitis: meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
Krishna K Varadhan, research fellow1, Keith R Neal, professor12, Dileep N Lobo, professor1
Objective To compare the safety and efficacy of antibiotic treatment versus appendicectomy for the primary treatment of uncomplicated acute appendicitis. Design Meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Population Randomised controlled trials of adult patients presenting with uncomplicated acute appendicitis, diagnosed by haematological and radiological investigations. Interventions Antibiotic treatment versus appendicectomy. Outcome measures The primary outcome measure was complications. The secondary outcome measures were efficacy of treatment, length of stay, and incidence of complicated appendicitis and readmissions. Results Four randomised controlled trials with a total of 900 patients (470 antibiotic treatment, 430 appendicectomy) met the inclusion criteria. Antibiotic treatment was associated with a 63% (277/438) success rate at one year. Meta-analysis of complications showed a relative risk reduction of 31% for antibiotic treatment compared with appendicectomy (risk ratio (Mantel-Haenszel, fixed) 0.69 (95% confidence interval 0.54 to 0.89); I2=0%; P=0.004). A secondary analysis, excluding the study with crossover of patients between the two interventions after randomisation, showed a significant relative risk reduction of 39% for antibiotic therapy (risk ratio 0.61 (0.40 to 0.92); I2=0%; P=0.02). Of the 65 (20%) patients who had appendicectomy after readmission, nine had perforated appendicitis and four had gangrenous appendicitis. No significant differences were seen for treatment efficacy, length of stay, or risk of developing complicated appendicitis. Conclusion Antibiotics are both effective and safe as primary treatment for patients with uncomplicated acute appendicitis. Initial antibiotic treatment merits consideration as a primary treatment option for early uncomplicated appendicitis.
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