2011-12-12 MedSci原创 MedSci原创
MedSci评论: 纳米是未来制药领域重要的载体之一,原因在于它很容易进入细胞内(主动进入或被动吞噬),这一优良的特性使这成为药物载体的可能,但是,同样也会带来“纳米污染”,即纳米级的药物或分子,很容易进入无关或非治疗的细胞中,引发不可预料性的后果,尤其是致癌。有些物质,在细胞外,可能并不会破坏或影响DNA的合成,但是一旦进入细胞
MedSci评论: |
纳米是未来制药领域重要的载体之一,原因在于它很容易进入细胞内(主动进入或被动吞噬),这一优良的特性使这成为药物载体的可能,但是,同样也会带来“纳米污染”,即纳米级的药物或分子,很容易进入无关或非治疗的细胞中,引发不可预料性的后果,尤其是致癌。有些物质,在细胞外,可能并不会破坏或影响DNA的合成,但是一旦进入细胞内,可能对DNA突变,合成或修复产生影响,从而诱导癌变或细胞凋亡。有关纳米污染,也是国际研究的热点之一。 |
The role of the tumor suppressor p53 pathway in the cellular DNA damage response to zinc oxide nanoparticles
Kee Woei Nga, Stella P.K. Khoob, Boon Chin Henga, Magdiel I. Setyawatic, Eng Chok Tanb, Xinxin Zhaoa, Sijing Xionga, Wanru Fangd, David T. Leongc, d, Corresponding Author Contact Information, E-mail The Corresponding Author, E-mail The Corresponding Author, Joachim S.C. Looa
In this paper, we explored how ZnO nanoparticles cross-interact with a critical tumor suppressive pathway centered around p53, which is one of the most important known tumor suppressors that protects cells from developing cancer phenotypes through its control over major pathways like apoptosis, senescence and cell cycle progression. We showed that the p53 pathway was activated in BJ cells (skin fibroblasts) upon ZnO nanoparticles treatment with a concomitant decrease in cell numbers. This suggests that cellular responses like apoptosis in the presence of ZnO nanoparticles require p53 as the molecular master switch towards programmed cell death. This also suggests that in cells without robust p53, protective response can be tipped towards carcinogenesis when stimulated by DNA damage inducing agents like ZnO nanoparticles. We observed this precarious tendency in the same BJ cells with p53 knocked down using endogeneous expressing shRNA. These p53 knocked down BJ cells became more resistant to ZnO nanoparticles induced cell death and increased cell progression. Collectively, our results suggest that cellular response towards specific nanoparticle induced cell toxicity and carcinogenesis is not only dependent on specific nanoparticle properties but also (perhaps more importantly) the endogenous genetic, transcriptomic and proteomic landscape of the target cells.
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