2012-09-12 黄堃 新华网
美国和泰国研究人员9月10日在英国《自然》杂志网站上报告说,他们发现了艾滋病病毒外壳上一个易被攻破的弱点,这能够解释之前相关试验中一种艾滋病疫苗的有效性问题,将有助于开发更有效的艾滋病疫苗。 几年前美国和泰国研究人员曾联手进行一个代号为RV144的艾滋病疫苗试验,结果显示这种疫苗能够帮助部分人避免感染艾滋病病毒,但它的有效性只有31%,这一问题让研究人员百思不得其解。 在本次研究中,研究人员对
Increased HIV-1 vaccine efficacy against viruses with genetic signatures in Env V2
Morgane Rolland, Paul T. Edlefsen, Brendan B. Larsen, Sodsai Tovanabutra, Eric Sanders-Buell, Tomer Hertz, Allan C. deCamp, Chris Carrico, Sergey Menis, Craig A. Magaret, Hasan Ahmed, Michal Juraska, Lennie Chen, Philip Konopa, Snehal Nariya, Julia N. Stoddard, Kim Wong, Hong Zhao, Wenjie Deng, Brandon S. Maust, Meera Bose, Shana Howell, Adam Bates, Michelle Lazzaro, Annemarie O’Sullivan et al.
The RV144 trial demonstrated 31% vaccine efficacy at preventing human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 infection1. Antibodies against the HIV-1 envelope variable loops 1 and 2 (Env V1 and V2) correlated inversely with infection risk2. We proposed that vaccine-induced immune responses against V1/V2 would have a selective effect against, or sieve, HIV-1 breakthrough viruses. A total of 936 HIV-1 genome sequences from 44 vaccine and 66 placebo recipients were examined. We show that vaccine-induced immune responses were associated with two signatures in V2 at amino acid positions 169 and 181. Vaccine efficacy against viruses matching the vaccine at position 169 was 48% (confidence interval 18% to 66%; P = 0.0036), whereas vaccine efficacy against viruses mismatching the vaccine at position 181 was 78% (confidence interval 35% to 93%; P = 0.0028). Residue 169 is in a cationic glycosylated region recognized by broadly neutralizing and RV144-derived antibodies. The predicted distance between the two signature sites (21?±?7??) and their match/mismatch dichotomy indicate that multiple factors may be involved in the protection observed in RV144. Genetic signatures of RV144 vaccination in V2 complement the finding of an association between high V1/V2-binding antibodies and reduced risk of HIV-1 acquisition, and provide evidence that vaccine-induced V2 responses plausibly had a role in the partial protection conferred by the RV144 regimen.
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