
2011-12-09 MedSci MedSci原创

    瑞典一项研究揭示,患有糖尿病或60岁以后肥胖显著升高乳腺癌患病风险。研究还表明,诊断乳腺癌时高血脂并不常见,而低血脂与乳腺癌风险升高有关。   研究者在2011年12月6-10日举行的圣安东尼奥乳腺癌大会上报告了上述研究结果。研究者还关注了癌症总体发病率,并发现使用某种糖尿病治疗药物与任意癌症发病率较低有关,而使用另外一种糖尿病治疗药物与该风险升高有关。




  “williamhill asia 观察了每一个人,发现成年女性糖尿病和60岁及以上女性肥胖显著升高乳腺癌风险,” 瑞典兰德大学肿瘤学和癌症流行病学系教授Håkan Olsson博士说,“这对于想知道自身风险和可采取措施降低风险的女性来说是有价值的信息。


  他们发现女性60岁以后肥胖使乳腺癌风险升高55%。“与普通人群乳腺癌发病率稍低于10%相比,这一数值在肥胖女性中最高为15%,” Olsson说。






Goodwin PJ, Stambolic V.Obesity and insulin resistance in breast cancer--chemoprevention strategies with a focus on metformin.Breast. 2011 Oct;20 Suppl 3:S31-5.

Pandey A, Forte V, Abdallah M, Alickaj A, Mahmud S, Asad S, McFarlane SI.Diabetes mellitus and the risk of cancer.Minerva Endocrinol. 2011 Sep;36(3):187-209.

La Vecchia C, Giordano SH, Hortobagyi GN, Chabner B.Overweight, obesity, diabetes, and risk of breast cancer: interlocking pieces of the puzzle.Oncologist. 2011;16(6):726-9.

Hemminki K, Li X, Sundquist J, Sundquist K.Obesity and familial obesity and risk of cancer. Eur J Cancer Prev. 2011 Sep;20(5):438-43.


SAN ANTONIO — Having diabetes or being obese after age 60 significantly increases the risk for developing breast cancer, a Swedish study has revealed. Data also showed that high blood lipids were less common in patients when diagnosed with breast cancer, while low blood lipids were associated with an increased risk.

Researchers of the study, reported at the 2011 CTRC-AACR San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, held Dec. 6-10, 2011, also looked at overall cancer incidence and discovered that use of one diabetes drug was associated with a lower rate of any cancer, while another was associated with an increased risk.

Researchers evaluated health care data from a region of 1.5 million people living in Southwestern Sweden to provide a comprehensive picture of cancer risk.

“We are looking at everybody, and we found that diabetes in adult women and obesity in women aged 60 and older significantly increased breast cancer risk,” said Håkan Olsson, M.D., professor in the departments of oncology and cancer epidemiology at Lund University. “This is useful information for women who want to know their risk and who can take steps to lower it.”

He and his colleagues examined records of 2,724 patients up to 10 years before they developed cancer and 20,542 patients who never developed the disease.

They found that obesity in women after age 60 increased risk for developing breast cancer by 55 percent. “At the most, 15 out of 100 obese women would get breast cancer compared with slightly less than 10 out of 100 in the general population,” Olsson said.
Women with diabetes had a 37 percent increased risk for developing breast cancer if their diabetes had been diagnosed up to four years before cancer was diagnosed.

Women with abnormally low levels of blood lipids (mostly cholesterol) had a 25 percent greater risk for developing breast cancer, while high levels of blood lipids appeared to be associated with a lower risk for breast cancer. The mechanisms behind these effects are unclear, and the finding needs to be replicated in a different population-based study, Olsson said.

Researchers also looked at the national drug prescription registry to examine the link between risk for all cancers and use of two diabetes drugs, glargine and metformin. In this study, investigators found that glargine use, which had been associated with increased cancer development in previous European studies, almost doubled the risk for development of any cancer, while metformin was linked to an 8 percent lower risk for cancer in patients with diabetes.

Olsson said more research is needed to clarify the specific cancers at increased risk. The number of patients in this study who developed breast cancer using these medications was too small to make any link to breast cancer risk, specifically, he said.

The study was funded by Sweden’s Southern Health Care Region.

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    2012-02-16 sjq027




中国糖尿病药物注射技术威廉亚洲博彩公司 2011版

附件(右键另存为):中国糖尿病药物注射技术威廉亚洲博彩公司 2011版 序    随着生活方式的改变,中国乃至全球糖尿病发病率和患病率急剧增长。2007~2008年,中华医学会糖尿病学分会牵头组织的14省市糖尿病、代谢综合征患病率横断面调查显示,经年龄标化的糖尿病患病率高达9.7%[1]。而另一方面,我国糖尿病患病率虽高,但血糖达标率却较低。1998年~2006年中国糖尿


     在中华医学会糖尿病学分会2011年会(CDS2011)的糖尿病威廉亚洲博彩公司 与共识专题会议中,长海医院内分泌科的邹大进教授介绍了胃肠减重手术治疗2型糖尿病的前景和争议。   邹教授指出,减重手术包括限制性术式(可调式胃束带术、袖装胃切除术)、吸收不良性术式(胆胰旷置术联合十二指肠转位)和综合性术式(标准Roux-en-Y)。目前已经证明减肥手术能够改善2型糖尿病。   减重手术通过减少摄食、


    奥兰多(EGMN)——美国心脏学会年会上公布的BARI 2D研究结果显示,合并冠状动脉疾病和冠状动脉缺血的2型糖尿病患者在接受强化内科治疗的情况下,基本上不需立即进行冠状动脉血运重建,除非初始合并重度或不稳定型心绞痛和近端左前降支(LAD)动脉疾病(N. Engl. J. Med. 2009;360:2503-15)。    


  既往研究中,由于样本数量和来源的局限,国内具有普遍性意义的2型糖尿病易感基因多态性位点的验证工作缺乏。   11月26日,中日友好医院的杨文英教授在中华医学会糖尿病学分会2011年会(CDS2011)的全体大会报告中介绍了一项中国汉族人群2型糖尿病遗传易感性验证研究结果。该研究在大规模人群样本中验证96个已知2型糖尿病易感基因多态性位点与中国汉族人群2型糖尿病的关联性。在96个基因中,糖尿病


奥兰多(EGMN) –根据美国心脏学会(AHA)年会上公布的一项德国注册研究的结果,1/5的女性急性心肌梗死(MI)患者合并之前未被诊断的糖尿病;近期发生MI的女性患者中,患有糖尿病而之前未被诊断的几率显著高于男性。   欧洲心脏病学会(ESC)和欧洲糖尿病研究协会(EASD)