J Immunol:单核细胞在加剧败血症症状中发挥积极作用

2012-09-28 生物谷 生物谷

    炎症反应是一种常见机制,是一把双刃剑,正确的炎症反应对于抵御感染入侵以及消除异常细胞是必要的。而另一方面,过度的炎症导致多种慢性疾病。患者感染败血症,他们经过初始强烈的炎症反应后,免疫系统会受到抑制,其中免疫细胞不再响应细菌产生的毒性分子。     加拿大研究人员Biswas说:败血症的死亡率在世界各地重症监护病房中居高不下,但






CD16 Regulates TRIF-Dependent TLR4 Response in Human Monocytes and Their Subsets

Irina N. Shalova*, Tasneem Kajiji*, Jyue Yuan Lim*, et al.

Blood monocytes recognize Gram-negative bacteria through the TLR4, which signal via MyD88- and TRIF-dependent pathway to trigger an immune-inflammatory response. However, a dysregulated inflammatory response by these cells often leads to severe pathologies such as sepsis. We investigated the role of CD16 in the regulation of human monocyte response to Gram-negative endotoxin and sepsis. Blood monocytes from sepsis patients demonstrated an upregulation of several TRIF-dependent genes as well as a selective expansion of CD16-expressing (CD16+) monocytes. Gene expression and biochemical studies revealed CD16 to regulate the TRIF-dependent TLR4 pathway in monocytes by activating Syk, IFN regulatory factor 3, and STAT1, which resulted in enhanced expression of IFNB, CCL5, and CXCL10. CD16 also upregulated the expression of IL-1R–associated kinase M and IL-1 receptor antagonist, which are negative regulators of the MyD88-dependent pathway. CD16 overexpression or small interfering RNA knockdown in monocytes confirmed the above findings. Interestingly, these results were mirrored in the CD16+ monocyte subset isolated from sepsis patients, providing an in vivo confirmation to our findings. Collectively, the results from the current study demonstrate CD16 as a key regulator of the TRIF-dependent TLR4 pathway in human monocytes and their CD16-expressing subset, with implications in sepsis.

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