2011-12-20 EurekAlert中文 EurekAlert中文
12月14日,芬兰国家技术研究中心发表新闻公报说,由该中心和芬兰东部大学共同完成的研究发现,一种指示组织缺氧和磷酸戊糖途径的分子信号,是阿尔茨海默氏症的前兆。 所谓磷酸戊糖途径,是葡萄糖氧化分解的一种方式。由于阿尔茨海默氏症(早老性痴呆症)目前无法治愈,因此尽早检测和及早治疗非常重要。芬兰研究人员最近发现,可以通过检测血清在症状出现前数月甚至数年就查出这种疾病。 公报说,研究人员分别采集阿
Biochemical signature predicts progression to Alzheimer's disease
EurekAlert 14-Dec-2011
A study led by Research Professor Matej Orešič from VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland suggests that Alzheimer's disease is preceded by a molecular signature indicative of hypoxia and up-regulated pentose phosphate pathway. This indicator can be analysed as a simple biochemical assay from a serum sample months or even years before the first symptoms of the disease occur. In a healthcare setting, the application of such an assay could therefore complement the neurocognitive assessment by the medical doctor and could be applied to identify the at-risk patients in need of further comprehensive follow-up. Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a growing challenge to the health care systems and economies of developed countries with millions of patients suffering from this disease and increasing numbers of new cases diagnosed annually with the increasing ageing of populations. The progression of Alzheimer's disease (AD) is gradual, with the subclinical stage of illness believed to span several decades. The pre-dementia stage, also termed mild cognitive impairment (MCI), is characterised by subtle symptoms that may affect complex daily activities. MCI is considered as a transition phase between normal aging and AD. MCI confers an increased risk of developing AD, although the state is heterogeneous with several possible outcomes, including even improvement back to normal cognition.
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