2013-05-28 AJG dxy
图1. Meta分析流程图 胰腺癌是常见的恶性肿瘤。胰腺癌恶性程度高,预后差,5年存活率约5%左右。因胰腺癌诊断时大多已处于晚期,即使可以采用手术方法切除癌肿,但5年存活率仍只有10-20%。引起胰腺癌的原因至今尚不十分清楚,但已明确存在多种危险因素,包括吸烟、饮酒、慢性胰腺炎、肥胖以及具有胰腺癌家族史等,都可增加胰腺癌的患病风险。因目前仍缺乏影响胰腺癌预后及成本效益的相关研究,所以鉴定胰腺癌患
为了更好的了解降糖药物是否有预防肿瘤发生的作用,并了解何种药物、何种剂量可以获得更好的效果,美国明尼苏达州罗彻斯特市梅奥诊所胃肠道疾病及肝病科的Siddharth Singh等人对评估常用降糖药物和糖尿病患者发生胰腺癌之间的相关性的观察性研究和随机对照研究进行了系统性综述及Meta分析,结果发现磺脲类药物的使用似乎可以增加糖尿病患者罹患胰腺癌的风险,但因现存研究存在很大的异质性影响了结果的分析,目前还不能确定降糖药使用与糖尿病患者罹患胰腺癌风险之间的相关性。为了明确两者之间的确切关系,需要更深入、设计更优良的前瞻性临床对照研究。该项结果发表在2-13年4月的The American Journal of Gastroenterology上。
Anti-diabetic medications and risk of pancreatic cancer in patients with diabetes mellitus: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Several preclinical and observational studies have shown that anti-diabetic medications (ADMs) may modify the risk of pancreatic cancer (PaC). We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis evaluating the effect of metformin, sulfonylureas (SUs), thiazolidinediones (TZDs), and insulin on the risk of PaC in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM).
We conducted a systematic search of Medline, EMBASE, and Web of Science, up to June 2012, and published abstracts from major gastroenterology and oncology meetings from 2003 to 2012. Studies were included if they (1) evaluated and clearly defined exposure to metformin, SU, TZDs, and/or insulin, (2) reported PaC outcomes in patients with DM and (3) reported relative risks or odds ratio (OR) or provided data for their estimation. Summary OR estimates with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were estimated using the random-effects model.
Eleven studies (6 cohort, 3 case-control, and 2 randomized controlled trials (RCTs)) reported 1770 cases of PaC in 730,664 patients with DM. Meta-analysis of observational studies showed no significant association between metformin (n=9 studies; adjusted OR 0.76, 95% CI 0.57-1.03, P=0.073), insulin (n=7 studies; adjusted OR 1.59, 95% CI 0.85-2.96, P=0.144), or TZD (n=4 studies; adjusted OR 1.02, 95% CI 0.81-1.30, P=0.844) use and risk of developing PaC. Use of SU was associated with a 70% increase in the odds of PaC (n=8 studies; adjusted OR 1.70, 95% CI 1.27-2.28, P<0.001). There was considerable inherent heterogeneity between studies not explained by study design, setting, or comparator drug and is likely related to confounding by indication and reverse causality. The pooled analyses of the two RCTs were underpowered and provided non-significant results with wide, non-informative 95% CIs.
Although SU seems to be associated with increased risk of PaC, meta-analysis of existing studies does not support a protective or harmful association between ADM use and risk of PaC in patients with DM. There was considerable heterogeneity across studies, and future, well-designed, prospective studies would be required to understand this association better.
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