
2011-12-12 MedSci原创 MedSci原创

日前,一项在美国佛罗里达州奥兰多举行的美国心脏协会会议上报告的研究结论称,抗凝血药物利伐沙班可降低急性冠脉综合征患者的死亡风险及心脏病发作风险。 研究显示,服用利伐沙班的患者比没有服用该药患者的心血管死亡、中风或心脏病发作的风险降低了16%。 哈佛医学院TIMI研究小组的高级研究员Michael Gibson说:“williamhill asia 的研究结果非常重要,因为阻断凝血酶的产生是改善急性冠脉综合征患者住院后的



哈佛医学院TIMI研究小组的高级研究员Michael Gibson说:“williamhill asia 的研究结果非常重要,因为阻断凝血酶的产生是改善急性冠脉综合征患者住院后的长期的死亡、中风和心脏病发作风险的一个重要的新途径。”



链接:NEJMe1112770" target=_blank>doi:10.1056/NEJMe1112770
A New Era in Secondary Prevention after Acute Coronary Syndrome

Matthew T. Roe, M.D., and E. Magnus Ohman, M.B., F.R.C.P.I.

During the past two decades, the use of antiplatelet therapies has been the focus of new studies of secondary prevention after acute coronary syndromes, with more than 75% of patients in contemporary practice treated with dual antiplatelet therapy (aspirin plus a thienopyridine) on hospital discharge. Despite increases in the use of antiplatelet therapies and the development of more potent antiplatelet therapies (prasugrel and ticagrelor), the residual risk of death,  myocardial infarction, or stroke up to 1 year after acute coronary syndromes remains high(Table 1NEJMe1112770&iid=t01">Rates of Ischemic and Bleeding Events in Drug Trials for Acute Coronary Syndrome.). This represents a therapeutic challenge, since the balance between risk (major bleeding) and benefit (reduction in ischemic events) becomes more delicate with time as the ischemic risk tends to diminish.The use of an anticoagulant, in addition to antiplatelet therapy, for secondary prevention has been explored in the past two decades with limited success. The first trials explored the use of warfarin with aspirin but did not show superiority, probably because of the challenges of maintaining a safe and adequate level of anticoagulation with warfarin. Subsequently, a low-molecular-weight heparin (dalteparin) versus placebo plus aspirin was tested in 1506 patients after hospitalization for an acute coronary syndrome. During the 6-week treatment phase, there was a significant reduction in the rate of a composite of death or myocardial infarction (P=0.04), and major bleeding events were rare. However, the treatment effect disappeared with longer-term follow-up, and subcutaneous administration limited the duration of treatment that could be tested.

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  1. [GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=37445, encodeId=ab5c3e445ef, content=Ah, i see. Well th'tas not too tricky at all!", beContent=null, objectType=article, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=130, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=f0620, createdName=madeline, createdTime=Sun Sep 27 08:41:00 CST 2015, time=2015-09-27, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=1983385, encodeId=e11b198338526, content=<a href='/topic/show?id=628553048e3' target=_blank style='color:#2F92EE;'>#患者死亡#</a>, beContent=null, objectType=article, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=43, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[TopicDto(id=53048, encryptionId=628553048e3, topicName=患者死亡)], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=, createdBy=12de429, createdName=sunylz, createdTime=Sun Jul 08 20:08:00 CST 2012, time=2012-07-08, status=1, ipAttribution=)]
    2015-09-27 madeline

    Ah, i see. Well th'tas not too tricky at all!"


  2. [GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=37445, encodeId=ab5c3e445ef, content=Ah, i see. Well th'tas not too tricky at all!", beContent=null, objectType=article, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=130, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=null, createdBy=f0620, createdName=madeline, createdTime=Sun Sep 27 08:41:00 CST 2015, time=2015-09-27, status=1, ipAttribution=), GetPortalCommentsPageByObjectIdResponse(id=1983385, encodeId=e11b198338526, content=<a href='/topic/show?id=628553048e3' target=_blank style='color:#2F92EE;'>#患者死亡#</a>, beContent=null, objectType=article, channel=null, level=null, likeNumber=43, replyNumber=0, topicName=null, topicId=null, topicList=[TopicDto(id=53048, encryptionId=628553048e3, topicName=患者死亡)], attachment=null, authenticateStatus=null, createdAvatar=, createdBy=12de429, createdName=sunylz, createdTime=Sun Jul 08 20:08:00 CST 2012, time=2012-07-08, status=1, ipAttribution=)]