2010 EFNS 成人脑静脉窦血栓形成的治疗威廉亚洲博彩公司

2010-01-01 欧洲神经科学协会联盟 European Journal of Neurology 2010, 17: 1229–1235


2010 EFNS 成人脑静脉窦血栓形成的治疗威廉亚洲博彩公司


EFNS guideline on the treatment of cerebral venous and sinus thrombosis in adult patients




Background: Cerebral venousandsinus thrombosis(CVST)isarather rare diseasewhichaccounts for<1%of all strokes. Diagnosis is still frequently overlooked or delayed as aresult of the wide spectrum of clinicalsymptomsandthe often subacute or lingering onset.Current therapeutic measures which are used in clinical practice include the use of anticoagulantssuch as dose-adjusted intravenous heparin or body weight-adjusted subcutaneouslow-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH), the use of thrombolysis andsymptomatic therapy including control of seizures and elevated intracranial pressure.

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