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2010NAMS 绝经后妇女骨质疏松症的管理

2010-01-01 北美绝经学会 Menopause. 2010 Jan-Feb;17(1):25-54


2010NAMS 绝经后妇女骨质疏松症的管理


2010NAMS Management of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women: 2010 position statement of The North American Menopause Society






Osteopor osisVthe most comm on bone disor der affecting humansVis a skele tal disord er cha racterized by compr o-mised bone strength, predisposi ng a person to an incre ased risk of fracture.Bone strength (and, hence, fract ure risk) isdependen t o n many quali ties of bone, of which bone mineral density (BMD ) is the most commonl y meas ured.Expressed as grams of min eral per area or volum e, BM D at any given age is a function of both peak bone mass (reache d by age 30) and how much bone is subseq uently lost. Qualit ies of bone other than BM D (includin g d egree of mineralizat ion, hydroxy -apatite cryst al size, collagen structure , heter ogenei ty of bone microstruct ure, connect ivity of trabe culae, and mic rodam age)are diff icult or impossible to measure in clinical p ractice at this time, although promisi ng resear ch is proceed ing. To stand ardiz e values from different bone densitom etrytests, resul ts are report ed as either a Z-score o r a T- score, with b oth expres sed as stand ard de viation (SD) units.

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