出版年份:1951 年文章数:3092 投稿命中率: 开通期刊会员,数据随心看

出版周期:Monthly 自引率:9.6% 审稿周期: 开通期刊会员,数据随心看



GetPortalImpactFactorByIdResp(projectId=1, id=38f71227, cover=, fullname=BRITISH JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY, abbr=BRIT J DERMATOL, pyear=1951, frequence=Monthly, articleNumbers=3092, citedSelf2015=9.6, acceptanceRate=null, submissionToAcceptance=null, averageReviewTime=平均1.67月, reviewFee=null, pageFee=null, publishedRatio=2023年中国人文章占该期刊总数量暂无数据 (2022年为100.00%), issn=0007-0963, greenSci=, scijournal=, medsciHotlightString=null, medsciHotlightRealtime=4.76, medsciHotlight=7.601, medsciHotlight5year=6.03088, citescore=16.3, hIndex=179, impactFactor=10.3, orgnization=Oxford Academic, orgnizationUrl=, country=United Kingdom, countryCn=英国, isOa=3, isOaString=部分OA, sciScie=Science Citation Index|Science Citation Index Expanded|Current Contents - Clinical Medicine|Current Contents - Life Sciences|BIOSIS Previews, bigclassCas=医学 2区[Top], smallclassCas=医学 1 区, website=, websiteHits=15441, guideForAuthor=, guideForAuthorHits=59, submitWebsite=, submitWebsiteHits=8077, content=<p style="color: #2a2a2a;">The BJD strives to publish the highest-quality dermatological research. In so doing, the Journal aims to advance the understanding, management and treatment of skin disease in order to improve the outcomes of patient care. The main focus of the BJD (described in a <a style="color: #006fb7;" href="" data-link-id="05ad6add-4595-45d0-a488-e4de9ffa3c8f" data-google-interstitial="false">position statement</a> published in the June 2015 issue) is to publish the highest-quality research encompassing the following:</p> <ul style="color: #2a2a2a;"> <li>Clinical trials that are registered before recruitment starts and report fully according to the CONSORT guidelines.</li> <li>Clinical studies that include epidemiology, qualitative research and mixed methods that conform to the STROBE and SRQR reporting guidelines.</li> <li>Translational research that describes basic and applied science of potential clinical relevance.</li> <li>Systematic reviews following the <a style="color: #006fb7;" href="" data-link-id="868cee3d-b76b-4737-b16e-5342e54abfb6" data-google-interstitial="false">PRISMA statement</a>, <a style="color: #006fb7;" href="" data-link-id="79e6f986-a247-4e9e-9fbf-f4d167395573" data-google-interstitial="false">MOOSE guidelines</a> or the <a style="color: #006fb7;" href="" data-link-id="521590e4-fea7-405c-ae4e-2827143babc2" data-google-interstitial="false">ENTREQ statement</a>.</li> </ul> <p style="color: #2a2a2a;">The BJD invites submissions under a broad scope of topics relevant to clinical and experimental research as described in the position statement. The Journal publishes original articles, Reviews, Clinical Guidelines, Research Letters, Perspectives, Case Reports and items of correspondence.</p> <p style="color: #2a2a2a;">The BJD is an official organ of the British Association of Dermatologists, but attracts contributions from dermatology researchers throughout the world. The BJD editorial board and editorial team include outstanding clinical academics, scientists and clinicians from across the globe. The circulation and readership of the BJD are equally international. The overriding criteria for publication are scientific merit, originality and interest to a multidisciplinary audience.</p> <h3 style="color: #2a2a2a;">Mission and values</h3> <p style="color: #2a2a2a;">Founded in 1888, the BJD<em> </em>has evolved into one of the world’s leading general dermatology journals. The<em> </em>BJD brand is underpinned by the provision of trusted information. From this solid foundation, the Journal aims to improve dermatology care globally and serve the needs of patients from diverse backgrounds.</p> <ul style="color: #2a2a2a;"> <li>For authors, the BJD aims to provide timely, high-quality, constructive peer review, which is focused on improving the quality of accepted manuscripts. Article production should be quick and accurate and free of any charges.</li> <li>The BJD<em> </em>recognizes the invaluable role of reviewers in safeguarding the integrity of the content, and aims to acknowledge fully their contribution. Our editorial team includes section editors for qualitative research, epidemiology, clinical trials, translational research, case reports and correspondence. Peer reviewers are chosen by the large team of associate editors appointed as subject experts. Statistical review is provided, when needed, by the BJD statistics editor.</li> <li>For readers, the BJD aims to deliver the highest-quality clinical and experimental research spanning the continuum of dermatological disciplines and promote understanding and facilitate clinical decision making. Content should reflect the needs of the global populations we serve, with research relevant to the skin health of all communities, including previously understudied groups and vulnerable populations. This includes the health of the LGBTQ community, skin of colour, elderly patients and those with understudied diseases.</li> <li>For patients, the<em> </em>BJD<em> </em>publishes Plain Language Summaries. These concise summaries of original research articles are intended to open up BJD<em> </em>content to patients with skin disease worldwide.</li> <li>For subscribers, the BJD aims to offer flexible purchasing options – from individual article downloads to multiyear, multisite licenses and transitional agreements – at reasonable prices.</li> <li>For sponsors, the BJD aims to offer ethical marketing solutions that yield measurable returns on investment.</li> </ul> <h3 style="color: #2a2a2a;">Product Detail</h3> <h4 style="color: #2a2a2a;">First choice in dermatology</h4> <ul style="color: #2a2a2a;"> <li>One of the top dermatology journals in the world: 2023 Impact Factor - 10.</li> </ul> <h4 style="color: #2a2a2a;"><span style="color: #2a2a2a;">Speed of Publication</span></h4> <ul style="color: #2a2a2a;"> <li>Rapid, robust peer review - median time to first decision without external review is 3 days, and 30 days with review</li> <li>Immediate Accepted Article publication</li> <li>No page or colour charges</li> <li>Fully compliant with <a style="color: #006fb7;" href="" data-link-id="c8371fb6-829a-4f1e-b2c5-150b79525795" data-google-interstitial="false">NIH Public Access Policy</a></li> </ul> <h4 style="color: #2a2a2a;"><span style="color: #2a2a2a;">International Readership</span></h4> <ul style="color: #2a2a2a;"> <li>Available in more than 8,000 medical and scientific libraries worldwide</li> <li>Over 1.4 million full text downloads per annum</li> <li>Free e-alerts or RSS feeds for all registered users</li> <li>OnlineOpen: articles 'open access' upon payment of a one time author fee</li> </ul> <p style="color: #2a2a2a;">Join the ranks of the world's best authors and <a style="color: #006fb7;" href="" data-link-id="9ee07745-f4ad-44d6-a8ce-e50347a4581b" data-google-interstitial="false">submit your next paper to </a><a style="color: #006fb7;" href="" data-link-id="d96ca17b-7407-44bb-8df0-4a6cba9c2ef7" data-google-interstitial="false">BJD</a>.</p> <h4 style="color: #2a2a2a;"><span style="color: #2a2a2a;">Abstracting and Indexing Information</span></h4> <ul style="color: #2a2a2a;"> <li>Abstracts in Anthropology (Sage)</li> <li>Abstracts on Hygiene & Communicable Diseases (CABI)</li> <li>Academic Search (EBSCO Publishing)</li> <li>Academic Search Alumni Edition (EBSCO Publishing)</li> <li>Academic Search Elite (EBSCO Publishing)</li> <li>Academic Search Premier (EBSCO Publishing)</li> <li>AgBiotech News & Information (CABI)</li> <li>AgBiotechNet (CABI)</li> <li>Agricultural Engineering Abstracts (CABI)</li> <li>Animal Breeding Abstracts (CABI)</li> <li>BIOBASE: Current Awareness in Biological Sciences (Elsevier)</li> <li>Biological Abstracts (Clarivate Analytics)</li> <li>BIOSIS Previews (Clarivate Analytics)</li> <li>Botanical Pesticides (CABI)</li> <li>CAB Abstracts® (CABI)</li> <li>Current Contents: Clinical Medicine (Clarivate Analytics)</li> <li>Dairy Science Abstracts (CABI)</li> <li>Embase (Elsevier)</li> <li>Global Health (CABI)</li> <li>Health Source Nursing/Academic (EBSCO Publishing)</li> <li>HEED: Health Economic Evaluations Database (Wiley-Blackwell)</li> <li>Helminthological Abstracts (CABI)</li> <li>Horticultural Science Abstracts (CABI)</li> <li>IDIS: Iowa Drug Information Service (University of Iowa)</li> <li>InfoTrac (GALE Cengage)</li> <li>International Pharmaceutical Abstracts (Clarivate Analytics)</li> <li>Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition (Clarivate Analytics)</li> <li>Leisure Tourism Database (CABI)</li> <li>Leisure, Recreation & Tourism Abstracts (CABI)</li> <li>MEDLINE/PubMed (NLM)</li> <li>Nutrition Abstracts & Reviews Series A: Human & Experimental (CABI)</li> <li>Nutrition Abstracts & Reviews Series B: Livestock Feeds & Feeding (CABI)</li> <li>PASCAL Database (INIST/CNRS)</li> <li>Pig News & Information (CABI)</li> <li>Protozoological Abstracts (CABI)</li> <li>PubMed Dietary Supplement Subset (NLM)</li> <li>Review of Aromatic & Medicinal Plants (CABI)</li> <li>Review of Medical & Veterinary Entomology (CABI)</li> <li>Review of Medical & Veterinary Mycology (CABI)</li> <li>Review of Plant Pathology (CABI)</li> <li>Rural Development Abstracts (CABI)</li> <li>Science Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics)</li> <li>Science Citation Index Expanded (Clarivate Analytics)</li> <li>The RECAL Legacy (National Centre for Prosthetics & Orthodontics)</li> <li>Tropical Diseases Bulletin (CABI)</li> <li>Veterinary Bulletin (CABI)</li> <li>Weed Abstracts (CABI)</li> <li>World Agricultural Economics & Rural Sociology Abstracts (CABI)</li> </ul>, totalCites=31851, brief=BRIT J DERMATOL杂志医学行业,“<strong><a target="_blank" href="/sci/皮肤病学" >皮肤病学</a></strong>”子行业的优秀级杂志, articleType=论著,综述各类型文章都接收, medsciHeat=黑红, medsciComment=BRIT J DERMATOL在该细分领域可能是一流杂志,可能是创刊时间短或不是热门学科,整体来说,国内学者关注度仍然不够。对于投稿而言,建议多向"&abbr&"投稿,当然期刊也应该加强品牌宣传。, medsciExplanation=MedSci期刊指数是根据中国科研工作者(含医学临床,基础,生物,化学等学科)对SCI杂志的认知度,熟悉程度,以及投稿的量等众多指标综合评定而成。当然,具体的,您还可以结合“<a href='//'>投稿经验系统</a>”,进行综合判断,这更是大家的实战经验,值得分享和参考。<br> 注意,上述MedSci期刊指数采用MedSci专利技术,由计算机系统自动计算,并给出建议,存在不准确的可能,仅供您投稿选择杂志时参考。, tags=null, citeScoreList=[GetImpactFactorCiteScoreListResponse(year=2017, citescore=2.55), GetImpactFactorCiteScoreListResponse(year=2018, citescore=2.45), GetImpactFactorCiteScoreListResponse(year=2019, citescore=9.8), GetImpactFactorCiteScoreListResponse(year=2020, citescore=11.6), GetImpactFactorCiteScoreListResponse(year=2023, citescore=16.3)], medsciIndexList=[GetImpactFactorMedsciIndexListResponse(year=2020, medsciHotlight=5.765), GetImpactFactorMedsciIndexListResponse(year=2021, medsciHotlight=5.464), GetImpactFactorMedsciIndexListResponse(year=2022, medsciHotlight=8.86), GetImpactFactorMedsciIndexListResponse(year=2023, medsciHotlight=6.058), GetImpactFactorMedsciIndexListResponse(year=2024, medsciHotlight=4.76)], citeScoreGradeList=[GetImpactFactorCiteScoreGradeResponse(smallClass=Medicine - Dermatology , rank=21/128)], totalJcrAreaList=[GetImpactFactorCiteScoreGradeResponse(smallClass=DERMATOLOGY, rank=Q1)], pmcUrl=[ISSN], pubmedUrl= JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY[ta], article_number=1260, article_number_cn=18, earlyWarning=不在预警名单中, linkOutUrl=null, isJournalMember=false, unscrambleContent=null, dayViewCount=false, endexampletyle=暂无数据)
4.76 (MedSci实时期刊指数) | 6.03088 (5年期刊指数)
杂志由 Oxford Academic 出版或管理
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Science Citation Index|Science Citation Index Expanded|Current Contents - Clinical Medicine|Current Contents - Life Sciences|BIOSIS Previews
大类:医学 2区[Top]
小类:医学 1 区