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Improving photosynthetic characteristics and antioxidant enzyme activity of capsule wall and subtending leaves increases cotton biomass under limited irrigation system

期刊: PHOTOSYNTHETICA, 2021; 59 (1)

The photosynthetic performance of the canopy boll-leaf system (BLS) reflects the material and energy exchange abilities between plant and external env......

Uniconazole and nitrogen fertilization trigger photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence, and delay leaf senescence in maize at a high population density

期刊: PHOTOSYNTHETICA, 2021; 59 (1)

Reducing the leaf senescence rate could improve the grain yield in maize. In the present study, maize seeds were treated with uniconazole at concentra......

Chlorophyll retention caused by STAY-GREEN (SGR) gene mutation enhances photosynthetic efficiency and yield in soybean hybrid Z1

期刊: PHOTOSYNTHETICA, 2021; 59 (1)

To study the effect of a stay-green mutation on photosynthetic efficiency in hybrid offspring of soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.), the parameters of p......

Physiological changes of three woody plants exposed to progressive salt stress

期刊: PHOTOSYNTHETICA, 2021; 59 (1)

The saline character of water imposes restrictions on plant growth and survival in the Taklamakan Desert, China. Experiments were conducted on woody p......

The quantitative proteomic analysis provides insight into the effects of drought stress in maize

期刊: PHOTOSYNTHETICA, 2021; 59 (1)

Drought stress is one of the major environmental factors that limit maize yield in agriculture. However, few studies have analyzed how proteins respon......

Heterosis effects on photosynthesis of upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) hybrid cultivars

期刊: PHOTOSYNTHETICA, 2021; 59 (1)

The relationship between the environment and heterosis effects on the photosynthesis of upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) is unknown. No significant ......

Transcriptome sequence and physiological analysis revealed the roles of carotenoids and photosynthesis under low temperature combined with low-light stress on pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)

期刊: PHOTOSYNTHETICA, 2021; 59 (1)

Low temperature combined with low light (LL) is an adverse factor seriously affecting pepper productivity and quality. However, little is known about ......

Photosynthesis of grape leaves with 'OSC' trellis and cordon based on data model fitting

期刊: PHOTOSYNTHETICA, 2021; 59 (1)

The photosynthetic parameters of 'Flame Seedless' and 'Red Globe' grape leaves in oblique single cordon (OSC) vine along the ditch and traditional sin......

Inhibition of photosynthesis in Melia azedarach and Ligustrum lucidum induced by manganese toxicity using OJIP chlorophyll a fluorescence transient

期刊: PHOTOSYNTHETICA, 2021; 59 (1)

Manganese (Mn) excess is a major abiotic stress for plant growth. In the present study, we investigated the effects of Mn on photosynthesis in Ligustr......

Adaptability variations and differences in photoprotection of young leaves of two tree species of subtropical forest to the light environment

期刊: PHOTOSYNTHETICA, 2021; 59 (1)

In the high-light environment, young leaves accumulate anthocyanins as a photoprotection strategy. However, anthocyanin biosynthesis-related enzymes g......

Exogenous salicylic acid ameliorates waterlogging stress damages and improves photosynthetic efficiency and antioxidative defense system in waxy corn

期刊: PHOTOSYNTHETICA, 2021; 59 (1)

Salicylic acid (SA) is an endogenous growth regulator. It is vital for the growth and development, photosynthesis, disease resistance, and abiotic str......

Stomatal, mesophyll and biochemical limitations to soil drought and rewatering in relation to intrinsic water-use efficiency in Manchurian ash and Mongolian oak

期刊: PHOTOSYNTHETICA, 2021; 59 (1)

The balance between stomatal and mesophyll conductance has been reported to directly influence intrinsic water-use efficiency (WUEi), but it is unclea......

Exogenous melatonin ameliorates salinity-induced oxidative stress and improves photosynthetic capacity in sweet corn seedlings

期刊: PHOTOSYNTHETICA, 2021; 59 (2)

Melatonin (MT) is involved in physiological processes in plants under abiotic stress. In this study, we investigated the effects of melatonin on maize......

Effects of sowing methods and nitrogen rates on photosynthetic characteristics, yield, and quality of winter wheat

期刊: PHOTOSYNTHETICA, 2021; 59 (2)

Sustainability of winter wheat yield under dryland conditions depends on improvements in crop photosynthetic characteristics and crop yield. Therefore......

Drought tolerance monitoring of apple rootstock M.9-T337 based on infrared and fluorescence imaging

期刊: PHOTOSYNTHETICA, 2021; 59 (3)

Apple rootstock seedling M.9-T337 was selected to explore the effect of drought stress. The findings indicated that the relative water content of both......

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