Natural bioactive molecules: An alternative approach to the treatment and control of glioblastoma multiforme
Tagde, P; Tagde, P; Tagde, S; Bhattacharya, T; Garg, V; Akter, R; Rahman, MH; Najda, A; Albadrani, GM; Sayed, AA; Akhtar, MF; Saleem, A; Altyar, AE; Kaushik, D; Abdel-Daim, MM
Tagde, P (corresponding author), Bhabha Univ, Bhabha Pharm Res Inst, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.; Garg, V (corresponding author), Maharaj Vinayak Global Univ, Jaipur Sch Pharm, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.; Rahman, MH; Najda, A (corresponding author), Southeast Univ, Dept Pharm, Dhaka 1213, Bangladesh.; Rahman, MH (corresponding author), Univ Life Sci Lublin, Lab Qual Vegetables & Med Plants, Dept Vegetable Crops & Med Plants, 15 Akad St, PL-20950 Lublin, Poland.