Effect of Tumor Location on Outcome After Laparoscopic Low Rectal Cancer Surgery: A Propensity Score Matching Analysis

Wu, QB; Jin, ZC; Zhang, XB; Deng, XB; Peng, Y; Wang, ZQ

Wang, ZQ (通讯作者),Sichuan Univ, West China Hosp, Dept Gastrointestinal Surg, Guo Xue Xiang 37, Chengdu 610041, Peoples R China.;Peng, Y (通讯作者),Sichuan Univ, West China Hosp, State Key Lab Biotherapy & Canc Ctr, Chengdu 610041, Peoples R China.;Peng, Y (通讯作者),Collaborat Innovat Ctr Biotherapy, Chengdu 610041, Peoples R China.

DISEASES OF THE COLON & RECTUM, 2022; 65 (5): 672


BACKGROUND: Dissection of the distal anterolateral aspect of the mesorectum remains a surgical challenge for low rectal cancer, posing a higher risk o......

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