Restoration of the gut microbiota is associated with a decreased risk of hepatic encephalopathy after TIPS

Li, MH; Li, K; Tang, SH; Lv, Y; Wang, QH; Wang, ZY; Luo, BH; Niu, J; Zhu, Y; Guo, WA; Bai, W; Wang, EX; Xia, DD; Wang, ZX; Li, XM; Yuan, J; Yin, ZX; Trebicka, J; Han, GH

Han, GH (通讯作者),Northwest Univ, Digest Dis Hosp, Xian Int Med Ctr Hosp, Dept Liver Dis & Intervent Radiol, 777 Xitai Rd, Xi'an 710032, Peoples R China.

JHEP REPORTS, 2022; 4 (5):


Background & Aims: Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is a major complication after transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) and is primarily......

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