Improving photosynthetic characteristics and antioxidant enzyme activity of capsule wall and subtending leaves increases cotton biomass under limited irrigation system

Li, NN; Shi, F; Gao, HY; Khan, A; Wang, FY; Kong, XH; Luo, HH

Luo, HH (corresponding author), Shihezi Univ, Xinjiang Prod & Construct Grp, Key Lab Oasis Ecoagr, Shihezi 832003, Xinjiang, Peoples R China.; Kong, XH (corresponding author), Xinjiang Acad Agr & Reclamat Sci, Minist Agr, Northwest Inland Reg Key Lab Cotton Biol & Genet, Cotton Res Inst, Shihezi 832000, Peoples R China.

PHOTOSYNTHETICA, 2021; 59 (1): 215