TCR Affinity Controls the Dynamics but Not the Functional Specification of the Antimycobacterial CD4(+) T Cell Response

Bhattacharyya, ND; Counoupas, C; Daniel, L; Zhang, GL; Cook, SJ; Cootes, TA; Stifter, SA; Bowen, DG; Triccas, JA; Bertolino, P; Britton, WJ; Feng, CG

Feng, CG (corresponding author), Univ Sydney, Fac Med & Hlth, Sch Med Sci, Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia.

JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, 2021; 206 (12): 2875


The quality of T cell responses depends on the lymphocytes' ability to undergo clonal expansion, acquire effector functions, and traffic to the site o......

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