Magnetically Driven Micro and Nanorobots

Zhou, HJ; Mayorga-Martinez, CC; Pane, S; Zhang, L; Pumera, M

Pumera, M (corresponding author), Univ Chem & Technol Prague, Ctr Adv Funct Nanorobots, Dept Inorgan Chem, Prague 16628 6, Czech Republic.; Pumera, M (corresponding author), China Med Univ, China Med Univ Hosp, Dept Med Res, Taichung 40402, Taiwan.; Pumera, M (corresponding author), Mendel Univ Brno, Dept Chem & Biochem, CZ-61300 Brno, Czech Republic.; Pumera, M (corresponding author), Yonsei Univ, Dept Chem & Biomol Engn, Seoul 03722, South Korea.; Pumera, M (corresponding author), Brno Univ Te

CHEMICAL REVIEWS, 2021; 121 (8): 4999


Manipulation and navigation of micro and nanoswimmers in different fluid environments can be achieved by chemicals, external fields, or even motile ce......

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