Association of Cardiovascular Health Score Trajectory With Incident Myocardial Infarction in Hypertensive Patients

Huang, ZG; Chen, ZK; Wang, XX; Ding, X; Cai, ZF; Li, WJ; Cai, ZW; Lan, YL; Chen, GZ; Fang, W; Wu, SL; Chen, YR

Chen, YR (通讯作者),Shantou Univ, Affiliated Hosp 2, Med Coll, Dept Cardiol, 69 Dongxia North RD, Shantou 515000, Peoples R China.;Wu, SL (通讯作者),Kailuan Gen Hosp, Dept Cardiol, 57 Xinhua East RD, Tangshan 063000, Peoples R China.

HYPERTENSION, 2022; 79 (11): 2622


Background: The association between changes in cardiovascular health score (CHS) over time and myocardial infarction (MI) risk in hypertensive patient......

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