All roads lead to targeted diffuse large B-cell lymphoma approaches

Xu, PP; Huo, YJ; Zhao, WL

Zhao, WL (通讯作者),Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ, Shanghai Inst Hematol, State Key Lab Med Genom, Natl Res Ctr Translat Med Shanghai,Ruijin Hosp,Sc, Shanghai 200025, Peoples R China.;Zhao, WL (通讯作者),Lab Mol Pathol, Pole Rech Sino Francais Sci Vivant & Genom, Shanghai, Peoples R China.

CANCER CELL, 2022; 40 (2): 131


Two recent reports in the New England Journal of Medicine highlight the successful application of novel tar-geted therapies to improve the clinical ou......

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