A novel school-based approach to screening for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Coghill, D; Du, YS; Jiang, WQ; Xian; Lu, DL; Qian, Y; Mulraney, M; Su, LY

Coghill, D (corresponding author), Univ Melbourne, Fac Med Dent & Hlth Sci, Dept Paediat, Melbourne, Vic, Australia.; Coghill, D (corresponding author), Univ Melbourne, Fac Med Dent & Hlth Sci, Dept Psychiat, Melbourne, Vic, Australia.; Coghill, D (corresponding author), Murdoch Childrens Res Inst, Melbourne, Vic, Australia.



Current approaches to screening for ADHD result in high rates of false positives. A proof of concept study to investigate the added benefits in the sc......

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