Parental experiences of homeschooling during the COVID-19 pandemic: differences between seven European countries and between children with and without mental health conditions

Thorell, LB; Skoglund, C; de la Pena, AG; Baeyens, D; Fuermaier, ABM; Groom, MJ; Mammarella, IC; van der Oord, S; van den Hoofdakker, BJ; Luman, M; de Miranda, DM; Siu, AFY; Steinmayr, R; Idrees, I; Soares, LS; Sorlin, M; Luque, JL; Moscardino, UM; Roch, M; Crisci, G; Christiansen, H

Thorell, LB (corresponding author), Karolinska Inst, Dept Clin Neurosci, Div Psychol, Nobels Vag 9, S-17177 Stockholm, Sweden.



The aim of the present study was to examine parental experiences of homeschooling during the COVID-19 pandemic in families with or without a child wit......

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