XBP1-mediated activation of the STING signalling pathway in macrophages contributes to liver fibrosis progression

Wang, Q; Bu, QF; Liu, M; Zhang, R; Gu, J; Li, L; Zhou, JR; Liang, Y; Su, WT; Liu, Z; Wang, MM; Lian, ZX; Lu, L; Zhou, HM

Lian, ZX; Lu, L; Zhou, HM (通讯作者),Nanjing Med Univ, Affiliated Hosp 1, Hepatobiliary Ctr, 300 Guang Zhou Rd, Nanjing 210029, Peoples R China.;Lian, ZX; Lu, L; Zhou, HM (通讯作者),Guangdong Acad Med Sci, Guangdong Prov Peoples Hosp, Guangzhou 510080, Peoples R China.

JHEP REPORTS, 2022; 4 (11):


Background & Aims: XBP1 modulates the macrophage proinflammatory response, but its function in macrophage stimulator of interferon genes (STING) a......

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