Timing and dosage of and adherence to hormone replacement therapy and fracture risk in women with menopausal syndrome in Taiwan: A nested case-control study

Chang, CYY; Tsai, FJ; Chiou, JS; Chiu, ML; Lin, TH; Liao, CC; Huang, SM; Liang, WM; Lin, YJ

Lin, YJ (corresponding author), China Med Univ, Sch Chinese Med, Taichung, Taiwan.; Liang, WM (corresponding author), China Med Univ, Dept Hlth Serv Adm, Taichung 40402, Taiwan.

MATURITAS, 2021; 146 (): 1


Objective: To investigate the association between hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and the risk of bone fracture in menopausal women in Taiwan. Study......

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