The Diagnostic Value of MR IVIM and T2 Mapping in Differentiating Autoimmune Myositis From Muscular Dystrophy

Ran, J; Yin, CL; Liu, CY; Li, YT; Hou, BW; Morelli, JN; Dai, B; Li, XM

Li, XM (corresponding author), Huazhong Univ Sci & Technol, Tongji Hosp, Tongji Med Coll, Dept Radiol, 1095 Jiefang Rd, Wuhan 430030, Hubei, Peoples R China.

ACADEMIC RADIOLOGY, 2021; 28 (6): E182


Rationale and Objectives: To confirm the feasibility and compare the accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) and T2......

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