Metabolic reprogramming of terminally exhausted CD8(+) T cells by IL-10 enhances anti-tumor immunity

Guo, YG; Xie, YQ; Gao, M; Zhao, Y; Franco, F; Wenes, M; Siddiqui, I; Bevilacqua, A; Wang, HP; Yang, HS; Feng, B; Xie, X; Sabatel, CM; Tschumi, B; Chaiboonchoe, A; Wang, YX; Li, WM; Xiao, WH; Held, W; Romero, P; Ho, PC; Tang, L

Tang, L (corresponding author), Ecole Polytech Fed Lausanne EPFL, Inst Bioengn, Lausanne, Switzerland.; Tang, L (corresponding author), Ecole Polytech Fed Lausanne, Inst Mat Sci & Engn, Lausanne, Switzerland.; Ho, PC (corresponding author), Univ Lausanne, Dept Oncol, Epalinges, Switzerland.; Ho, PC (corresponding author), Univ Lausanne, Ludwig Inst Canc Res, Epalinges, Switzerland.

NATURE IMMUNOLOGY, 2021; 22 (6): 746


T cell exhaustion presents one of the major hurdles to cancer immunotherapy. Among exhausted CD8(+) tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes, the terminally exh......

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