Impact of Smoking in Response to Tumor Necrosis Factor Inhibitors in Axial Spondyloarthritis: Methodologic Considerations for Longitudinal Observational Studies

Zhao, SS; Yoshida, K; Jones, GT; Hughes, DM; Tedeschi, SK; Lyu, H; Moots, RJ; Solomon, DH; Goodson, NJ

Goodson, NJ (corresponding author), Aintree Univ Hosp NHS Fdn Trust, Dept Acad Rheumatol, Liverpool L9 7AL, Merseyside, England.

ARTHRITIS CARE & RESEARCH, 2020; 72 (4): 591


Objective Observational data facilitate examination of treatment-effect heterogeneity, but the risk of bias is substantial. The present study was unde......

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