Magnetic field promoted irreversible process of water based nanocomposites with heat and mass transfer flow

Khan, NS; Kumam, P; Thounthong, P

Khan, NS; Kumam, P (corresponding author), King Mongkuts Univ Technol Thonburi KMUTT, Dept Math, KMUTTFixed Point Res Lab, Fac Sci, Room SCL 802 Fixed Point Lab,Sci Lab Bldg, Bangkok 10140, Thailand.; Khan, NS; Kumam, P (corresponding author), King Mongkuts Univ Technol Thonburi KMUTT, Ctr Excellence Theoret & Computat Sci TaCS CoE, Fac Sci, Sci Lab Bldg,126 Pracha Uthit Rd, Bangkok 10140, Thailand.; Kumam, P (corresponding author), China Med Univ, China Med Univ Hosp, Dept Med Res, Taichung 404