Knockout of MAPK Phosphatase-1 Exaggerates Type I IFN Response during Systemic Escherichia coli Infection

Kirk, SG; Murphy, PR; Wang, XT; Cash, CJ; Barley, TJ; Bowman, BA; Batty, AJ; Ackerman, WE; Zhang, J; Nelin, LD; Hafner, M; Liu, YS

Liu, YS (corresponding author), Nationwide Childrens Hosp, Ctr Perinatal Res, Abigail Wexner Res Inst, 575 Childrens Cross Rd, Columbus, OH 43215 USA.

JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, 2021; 206 (12): 2966


We have previously shown that Mkp-1-deficient mice produce elevated TNF-alpha, IL-6, and IL-10 following systemic Escherichia coli infection, and they......

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