Machine learning for distinguishing right from left premature ventricular contraction origin using surface electrocardiogram features

Zhao, W; Zhu, R; Zhang, J; Mao, YM; Chen, HW; Ju, WZ; Li, MF; Yang, G; Gu, K; Wang, ZD; Liu, HL; Shi, JJ; Jiang, XH; Kojodjojo, P; Chen, ML; Zhang, FX

Zhang, FX (通讯作者),Nanjing Med Univ, Affiliated Hosp 1, Div Cardiol, Sect Pacing & Electrophysiol, Guangzhou Rd 300, Nanjing 210029, Peoples R China.

HEART RHYTHM, 2022; 19 (11): 1781


BACKGROUND Precise localization of the site of origin of prema-ture ventricular contractions (PVCs) before ablation can facilitate the planning and ex......

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